Jaspreet Loyal MD, MS
Yale New Haven Hospital
Susan Bostwick, MD, MBA
Weill Cornell Medical College
Maryellen Gusic, MD
Medical University of South Carolina
Elaine Schulte, MD,
Children's Hospital of Montefiore
Lead Faculty, Coaching

Advancing Pediatric Leaders (APL) is a 2-year program designed to advance the leadership competencies of mid-career academic pediatric health professionals.
Who should apply: Faculty with at least 5 years at the rank of assistant professor or associate professor and who have a current/new/newly accepted leadership opportunity/position.
Unique features of the program:
- One-on-one coaching: Regularly scheduled conversations with a faculty coach focused on participant’s growth and vitality as a leader
- Peer group coaching: Sessions that enable participants to practice a coaching approach to provide guidance related to work on their leadership initiative/challenge
- Interactive, hybrid curriculum:
- Monthly virtual sessions beginning in January of 2025
- Face-to-face sessions at PAS 2025 and 2026
- Experiential, hands-on application of learning through work on a leadership initiative/challenge
- Networking: Intentional programming to allow participants to showcase their work, increase their visibility, and augment and strengthen their professional network
Program Objectives:
By the end of the program participants will be able to:
- Apply enhanced knowledge, skills and behaviors necessary to engage in leadership
- Incorporate coaching as a tool for professional development and in their work supporting others
- Advance work and increase visibility as a leader in their work environment and/or within the APA
- Augment and strengthen their network as a resource for professional development
Learn more about this program by watching this short video
The application deadline has passed.
Applicant Eligibility Criteria:
Late early career or early mid-career faculty who are current APA members:
- 5+ years as an Assistant Professor OR holds the rank of Associate Professor
- Current or accepted leadership position
- Underrepresented minority candidates are strongly encouraged to apply
Interested applicants must submit:
- CV
- One document with the following items
- A short (100 word maximum) statement describing your current, new (or accepted) leadership opportunity/position
- Describe the leadership opportunity/position
- Provide context related to how the opportunity/position aligns with a strategic goal/initiative in your organization
- A short (100 word maximum) statement of your career goals
- Reflect on your strengths and opportunities for growth as a leader
- Describe how participation in this leadership training program will help you to achieve your career goals
- A short statement (100 word maximum) about how you have demonstrated/supported inclusive excellence in your work with others.
- A brief description (200 word maximum) of an initiative/change that you plan to implement as a leader to address a current/emerging challenge. Examples include: creation of new program (e.g. clinical, educational, research, advocacy, etc) or advocating for and creating a specific change/change in culture in your organization (e.g. mentoring, equity and inclusion, etc). The work done during the program could be part of a larger project/the first phase of a longer-term initiative. NOTE: APL faculty are available to meet with you before the start of the program to further refine your plans for this work.
- Describe how participation in this leadership training program will help you to achieve your goals for this initiative.
- A short (100 word maximum) statement describing your current, new (or accepted) leadership opportunity/position
- A letter of support from your sponsor e.g. hospital CEO, department chair, division chief)
- Have them describe how this program will benefit you as a leader and affirming that you will have protected time/effort to fully engage in the program and to meet all of the program requirements including attendance at PAS.
Tuition & Fees:
- There is a $125 application fee
- Tuition is $5600 due 90 days after acceptance
Please contact the APA office if the application fee and/or tuition limits your ability to apply.
Testimonials from Participants:
Current Scholars
Projects/Leadership Initiatives Completed by Cohort 1 Participants
- Transforming Discharge Medication Safety by Improving Organizational Health Literacy - Dr. Andrea Morrison
- Development of an Innovative Quality Improvement and Patient Safety Curriculum for the Pediatrics Residency Program - Dr. Mayssa Abuali
- A Narrative Medicine Journey -Dr. Rachel Fleishman, MD
- The Development and Implementation of the Individualized Learning Plan Program Utilizing Coaching Strategies - Dr. Corinne L. Bria
- Pediatric Health Care Equity - Dr. Ariane Marie-Mitchell
- Diagnostic Bias Safety to Safely Caring for Diagnosticians - Dr. Stephanie Burrus
- Creating a High Value Care Dashboard for Pediatric Hospital Medicine - Dr. Vivian Lee
- Improving the Institutional Culture of Feedback by Leading a Graduate Medical Education Taskforce Initiative - Dr. Kira Molas-Torreblanca
- Supporting Teams and Building Community in the Interprofessional Craniofacial Center - Dr. Glenn Rosenbluth
- Expanding Care for Premature Infants in the Level II NICU in a Community Hospital Setting - Dr. Allison Markowsky
- Making Healers Well: Creating a Wellness-Centered Faculty Development Program for Pediatric Hospitalists - Dr. Lana Ismail
- Safe Implementation of Evidence-Based Nutritional Rehabilitation for Hospitalized Adolescents with Eating Disorders - Dr. Joanne Mendoza
- Optimizing Community Accessibility to Autism Evaluations and Treatments - Dr. Michelle Hartley-McAndrew
- EPIC-Integrated Social Determinants of Health Screening - Dr. Baraka Floyd
- Promoting Outpatient Pediatrics Education: Creating a Directorship and a Director - Dr. Jolene Collins
- Supplying Activation Energy for Social, Behavioral, and Population Health Research and Evaluation: The Smith Child Health Catalyst - Dr. Michelle L. Macy
- THE PEDIATRIC HEALTH SERVICES RESEARCH WORKFORCE Shrinking, shifting, or just feeling lonely? - Dr. Alyna T. Chen
- Leading Curricular Change to Promote Integration - Dr. Hai Jung Helen Rhim
- Enhancing a Clinical Coaching Program for 3rd year Medical Students - Dr. John Darby
- Expanding Neonatal Telehealth Care to Community Hospitals - Dr. Rachel A. Umoren
- Developing, Deploying, and Sustaining an Outpatient Antimicrobial Stewardship Program - Dr. Hayden T. Schwenk
- Towards a transdisciplinary team: reshuffling a world-class stem cell transplantation program. - Dr. Alice Bertaina
- A Winding Journey - Dr. Cara Haberman
- Reinvigoration of the Culture of Quality on a Pediatric Inpatient Unit - Dr. Karen Leaonard
- Who selects the participants and how many will be selected?
The Academic Pediatric Association's Advancing Pediatric Leaders (APL) Faculty select participants. A cohort of approximately 12 participants is chosen every 2 years. - What does the Advancing Pediatric Leaders Program cost?
Cost of program is the responsibility of the participant:
$125 application fee
$5600 tuition
Attendance at PAS meeting x 2 years
*Please note you will receive separate confirmation receipts for the application submission and the application fee. Your application won't be considered without the application fee.
- Why is there an enrollment fee?
The fee makes it possible to sustain a high-quality program with each of the unique features described above: hybrid programming, one-on-one coaching, group coaching and programming to foster networking for participants. The faculty engage in monthly professional development sessions to advance their skills as coaches in addition to meeting to discuss program planning and evaluation/results of evaluation. - What are the criteria for acceptance?
We are looking for participants with outstanding credentials, a dedicated sponsor/documentation of institutional support, and well-described goals that will allow them to apply their learning and advance their competence as leaders. - Are there exceptions to the time in rank criteria?
Applicants with <5 years at the rank of Assistant Professor and prior experience outside of academics may be eligible if they meet all other eligibility criteria. Applicants requesting an exception related to the academic rank requirement should include an additional statement of 3 sentences or less describing their situation and rationale for this request. This statement should be provided on a separate document within the application. The sponsor’s letter of support should attest to the applicant's request for an exception and the need for this leadership training at this stage of the applicant’s academic career - What are the qualifications, types of leadership roles/responsibilities that are required for applicants?
Applicants’ leadership opportunities could include roles such as medical clinic director, educational program leader, division/section chief, research team PI, community initiative director, quality improvement director, or chair of a committee/task force (institutional) or interest group/region/committee (professional organization).
Preference is given to those within three years of transitioning to a new leadership role and those who have accepted but not yet started a new leadership role.
7. How do I select my sponsor?
Effective sponsors should:
- Be in a recognized leadership position in the candidate’s home institution. Ideally, the sponsor holds a higher academic rank than the applicant (This is not a requirement.)
- Be able to dedicate sufficient time to meet with the program participant monthly to discuss progress on the leadership initiative they are working on and to provide feedback to the participant on this work and on their development as a leader and future career goals
- Be in a position to guarantee/afford the candidate adequate time/financial support to fully engage in all of the activities of the program
8. Do you have to be an APA member to apply?
9. Can pediatric subspecialists apply?
Yes, sub-specialists are welcome and encouraged to participate. The focus of the program is leadership, not any particular discipline or specialty.
10. What is the program curriculum?
Face-to-face sessions shouldering PAS for 2 years;
- Monthly interactive, virtual sessions
- In person sessions at PAS for 2 years
- Individual coaching sessions with a faculty coach
- Group coaching sessions
- Work in progress poster session
- Virtual showcase presentations of leadership work at the end of the program
Sample topics
- Cultivating your Network
- Leadership Styles
- Emotional Intelligence
- Leadership Presence
- Change Management
- Developing a Business Plan
- Time Management
- Interpersonal Effectiveness
- Motivating and Empowering Others
- Finances
- Effective Listening and Communication
- Conflict Management
- Negotiation Skills
- Creating and Sustaining Inclusive Excellence
- Lifelong Learning as a Leader
- Resilience as a Leader
- Who is my APL coach?
Your coach we will be a member of the APL faculty who will be assigned to partner with you throughout the program to engage in conversation about how to maximize your growth and vitality as a leader.