![CORNET-logo CORNET Logo](https://www.academicpeds.org/wp-content/uploads/bb-plugin/cache/CORNET-logo-panorama-f3ffb4de07abc08c758539814bcccb4f-5d71e0588e696.png)
The Continuity Research Network (CORNET) is a national, practice-based research network composed of pediatric residency continuity practices.
More about CORNET
CORNET’s mission is to advance children’s health by partnering with key stakeholders through rigorous research in primary care, health care delivery, improvement science, and medical education, through an established, self-sustaining, collaborative, research network among pediatric continuity clinicians.
CORNET is a core program of the APA that evolved from the APA’s Continuity Special Interest Group in 2002 and has since grown to include more than 125 pediatric residency programs with nearly 6,500 pediatric residents caring for over 1 million patients across the United States and Canada.
CORNET's research is focused on the pediatric continuity practice setting. The research goals are:
- To study and improve health, healthcare, and inequities in health and healthcare delivery among children and families, particularly those disproportionately affected by health inequities.
- To study and improve resident education in pediatric continuity practices.
- To engage residents in pediatric primary care research.
Enroll in CORNET
Membership in CORNET allows you, your continuity faculty, and your continuity residents opportunities to collaborate and network with colleagues nationally on research and quality improvement initiatives.
Enrollment in CORNET is free and without obligation; however, each institution’s site lead must be an APA member in order to enroll.
Currently, more than 125 pediatric training programs are enrolled in CORNET, which includes over 50% of all pediatric residency training programs nationally. Among the pediatric training programs are over 160 individual continuity clinic practice sites and more than 6,000 categorical pediatric residents and medicine-pediatric residents who provide care to over 1 million pediatric patients.
Incentives for CORNET Participants
Personal Growth
- Ability to be involved in research that is practical, relevant, and important to their practice site.
- Opportunity to participate in clinical research.
- Ability to participate in a process that is often larger than the sum of its parts.
- Development of camaraderie between practice sites.
- Networking with colleagues.
- Ability for clinician to attend national meetings.
- National and regional recognition.
- Press releases to local newspaper highlighting practitioner’s involvement.
- Ladder of leadership, with opportunities available to become more involved.
- Recognition within the department.
- National and regional recognition can lead to promotion.
- Gain experience and mentorship in participating in research.
- Addition of studies in which one participated to their CV.
- Working with residents to enhance their involvement.
- MOC.
- Individual site specific data provided to the practice concerning study results. These data may assist the study site to improve and/or can be shared with institutional leadership to demonstrate the accomplishments and successes of the practice site.
- Regular meetings that enhance communication between nursing, administrators, and practitioners at the practice site.
- Practice incentives that can be used to reimburse additional staff for administrative help with the study or to purchase items relevant to practice (refrigerator, microwave, fax machine, etc.).
- Networking with regional Family Voices.
Patients of the Practice
- Many patients enjoy participating in studies. Patients may request feedback about study results.
- Parents may have enhanced satisfaction in receiving care from a practice actively involved in relevant research.
- Small monetary incentives to patients: money, coupons, vouchers.
- Benefits of Patient Advisory Boards or networking within local Family Voices and involvement in participatory research.
- Active involvement from the community in soliciting ideas about the research or sharing study ideas.
Submit a Proposal
Have an idea for a study and want to collaborate with CORNET? Fill out this form and upload it to the Proposal Submission Page.
Don't forget to check out past studies! CORNET invites Principal Investigators (PIs) at all career levels to collaborate. Trainee PIs are noted in red below.
Ongoing Studies
Pediatric Resident Experiences, Training, and Skills with Telephone Triage, Electronic Portal Communication, and Telemedicine
PIs: Suzanne "Shoshana" Friedman, MD & Marguerite "Maggie" Costich, MD
Funding: N/A
Objective: to better understand current telephone triage, electronic portal communication, and telemedicine practices in pediatric residency continuity clinics.
Enhancing Stakeholder Engagement in Pediatric Research: Applying a Health Literacy and Language Lens
PI: Shonna Yin, MD
Funding: PCORI
Objectives: 1) To identify specific strategies most likely to promote successful stakeholder engagement with populations underrepresented in patient-centered outcomes research (PCOR) conducted in pediatric populations, including those from racial-ethnic minority groups and those with low SES, together with core associated risks, such as low Health Literacy (HL) and limited English Proficiency (LEP). 2) To determine whether a package of enhanced strategies for use in PCOR conducted with pediatric populations, can increase engagement impact (indicators of stakeholder engagement [e.g. intensity, quality], outcomes of engagement [e.g. trust], indicators for research process [e.g. collaborative decision-making], and indicators of successful study protocol implementation [e.g. representative participation in recruitment/retention, meeting proposed study milestones]) above and beyond basic practices currently in use, among 20 studies identified via CTSIs and pediatric research networks.
Enhancing Early Relational Health to Reduce Disparities in Child Health and Development: Addressing ACEs and Promoting PCEs through an Integrated Evidence-based Intervention in Pediatric Primary Care
PIs: Caitlin Canfield, PhD, and Elizabeth Miller, PhD
Funding: NIMHD
Objectives: 1) Define a feasible implementation model to support pediatric providers in formalizing a structure to provide the integrated VIP+HS program in pediatric primary care practices. 2) Evaluate effectiveness-implementation outcomes of VIP+HS provided to high-risk families. 2a) Examine the effectiveness of VIP+HS on parent and child outcomes vs. standard HS. 2b) Examine implementation outcomes of the new integrated model. 3) Examine mechanisms underlying VIP+HS impact on early childhood disparities among high-risk families.
iPOP-UP: improving Pediatric Obesity Practice Using Prompts
PI: Mona Sharifi, MD
Funding: NIMHD
Objectives: 1) To conduct a formative evaluation to optimize the intervention and implementation facilitation “package” among a heterogeneous sample of pediatric primary care practices serving disparity populations; 2) To implement and evaluate the tailored intervention and implementation facilitation package within a national practice-based research network in improving obesity-related care delivery and children’s BMI; and 3) To identify practice, provider, and patient-level factors that mediate and modify variability in the impact of the implementation strategy and in the effectiveness of the intervention to understand what works where and why in different settings.
Participants: 3 CORNET health systems
Completed Studies
Understanding pediatric trainee and faculty perspectives on climate change and children's health
PIs: Taryn Sirias, Naomi Bardach, Jason Lau
Funding: N/A
Objectives: To describe perceived pediatrician roles in addressing climate change, as well as barriers and facilitators to engaging in those roles. Our long-term goal is to inform efforts to incorporate climate change into pediatric graduate medical training and continuing medical education.
PI: Arvin Garg, MD
Collaborator: Pediatric Research in Office Settings (PROS)
Funding: NICHD
Objective: Address poverty-related issues and unmet basic social needs of families through the following implementation strategies: 1) On-site training program, 2) off-site web-based program.
Wave 1: 2 CORNET sites, 4 PROS sites
Wave 2: 3 CORNET sites, 4 PROS sites
Wave 3: 1 CORNET sites, 4 PROS sites
CORNET Engagement Study
PIs: Mona Sharifi, MD, and Shonna Yin, MD
Funding: N/A
Objective: To better understand perceptions regarding engagement in CORNET.
Resource provision in pediatric primary care continuity clinics
PI: Melissa Lutz
Objectives: To characterize the a) types of material goods offered in pediatric continuity clinics across the country, b) availability of goods over time, c) funding sources used to support supply, and d) protocols for determining eligibility (e.g., screening, perceived community need).
Food Insecurity Screening and Intervention Strategies in Academic Medical Centers Across the United States
PI: Rushina Cholera
Objectives: To evaluate current clinical food insecurity screening procedures, educational opportunities, and resources and referral processes in pediatric clinics across the United States.
Formative Evaluation for Implementation of a Hybrid I Trial of a Parenting Screening Tool and Intervention Designed to Improve Parenting and Child Outcomes
PIs: Catherine Taylor & Julia Fleckman
Objectives: 1) Assess the feasibility of implementing a Hybrid I trial via a descriptive survey of all CORNET Sites to understand relevant site characteristics, tools, and interests, and 2) Conduct a more in-depth feasibility assessment via focus groups with a group of CORNET sites selected based on survey data.
Pediatric Resident Experiences, Training, and Skills with Telephone Triage and Electronic Communication
PIs: Marguerite Costich, MD & Suzanne Friedman, MD
Objectives: 1) Explore current telephone triage and electronic patient portal communication practices in pediatric resident continuity clinics and assess prevalence of resident telephone triage and electronic portal communication curriculum. 2) Assess resident and faculty perceptions of resident efficacy and skills in performing phone triage and effective patient portal communications.
Harnessing Implementation Science to Address Disparities in Depression Treatment among Latinx Adolescents
PI: Allison McCord Stafford, PhD, RN
Funding: Duke University
Objective: To identify strategies that improve psychotherapy attendance among Latinx adolescents to be later tested in a clinical trial
Participants: Adolescent-parent dyads, primary care providers, mental health providers, and clinic administrators
Postpartum Depression Screening Practices
PIs: Natasha K. Sriraman, MD, MPH, Pooja Gajulapalli, and John Harrington, MD
Objective: To determine what proportion of academic general pediatric clinics screen mothers according to the AAP recommendations, the process and screening tools used, management of mothers with positive screens, and physician attitudes towards PPD screening.
Participants: Continuity Clinic Attendings
Use of Telehealth During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Pediatric Continuity Clinics
PI: Maheen Quadri, MD, Ada Fenick, MD, Dan Nicklas, MD, Amy Starmer, MD, MPH, Iman Sharif, MD, MPH
Objective: To describe the use of video technology in the continuity clinic setting during the COVID19 pandemic during patient encounters (“telehealth”), to precept residents during or immediately after patient encounters, and to teach residents.
Participants: Continuity Clinic Attendings
National Immunization Partnership with the APA (NIPA)
PIs: Cynthia Rand, MD, MPH & Peter Szilagyi, MD, MPH
Collaborator: National Improvement Partnership Network (NIPN)
Objective: To implement a large-scale practice-based quality improvement (QI) program to prioritize HPV vaccination at every adolescent visit.
Wave 1: 14 CORNET sites, 38 NIPN practices
Wave 2: 15 CORNET sites, 60 NIPN practices
Wave 3: 12 CORNET sites, 62 NIPN practices
Wave 4: 5 CORNET sites, 51 NIPN practices
Wave 5: 12 CORNET sites, 53 NIPN practices
To learn more about this initiative, please visit the NIPA Virtual Toolkit.
Understanding Current Pediatric Faculty and Resident Physicians' Health Literacy Perceptions, Knowledge, and Continuity Clinic Practices
PIs: Townsend Cooper, MD & Marny Dunlap, MD
Objective: Examine Health Literacy training in pediatric residency.
LitNet Reach Out and Read Survey.
Study Team: Alexandria Caldwell, DO; Elizabeth Erickson, MD; Nikki Shearman, PhD; Iman Sharif, MD, MPH; M. Connor Garbe, MPH; Hollyce Tyrrell, MSSW; Robert Needlman, MD; Marny Dunlap, MD
Objectives & Results: This study examined what pediatric residency programs are doing around resident training and Reach Out and Read. Pediatric residents, continuity faculty, and Reach Out and Read Champions completed a one-time survey. Participating programs that reached 80% completion of their surveys received 100 free books through Reach Out and Read. Programs that achieved 100% completion of surveys had their names put in a hat for two to be randomly selected to receive a pizza party for their residents. In total, 42 pediatric residency programs participated (over 1600 individual responses). This study was presented as a poster at multiple regional and national meetings and as an oral presentation at a regional meeting. Two papers have been published in Academic Pediatrics. A third manuscript is in development.
Current Practices for Identifying and Addressing Social Determinants of Health in Continuity Clinic. The objective of this survey was to describe current practices in systematic screening for Social Determinants of Health (SDH) in pediatric resident clinics enrolled in the Continuity Research Network (CORNET) and examine correlations among screening and clinic characteristics. Findings reflect that screening for SDH in CORNET clinics is common but has not been universally implemented. Screening practices are variable and reflect the complex nature of screening, including the heterogeneity of the patient populations, the clinic staff composition, and the SDH encountered.
CORNET CARD STUDY #1: DO YOU SEE WHAT I SEE, AND CAN I DO WHAT YOU DO? [Caring for Children with Special Health Care Needs (CSHCN)]. Card Study #1 gathered data on the kinds of patients seen at resident continuity practices. The project team tested the hypotheses that 1) Patients seen by pediatric residents and faculty are of the same level of complexity; 2) Patients seen by senior residents are as likely as patients seen by faculty to see a provider with high self-efficacy (SE) in managing their care; 3) Patients seeing their own primary care provider (PCP) are more likely to see a provider with high SE for managing their care. CSHCN were seen mostly by attendings; more exposure may be needed for residents to develop SE in caring for CSHCN. This first CORNET CARD Study provides fertile data for further analyses. Residents were invited to participate as co-investigators with questions they would like to pose to the dataset, with resident education or QI projects that stem from the results, or with follow-up studies exploring parental confidence in care received.
Preventive Services Improvement Project - State Spread (PreSIPS2). PreSIPS2 was one component of many ongoing efforts to enhance Bright Futures implementation at the state, community, practice, and family levels. With participation from AAP National, AAP chapters, CORNET academic programs, and national and state partners, PreSIPS2 was a 17-month quality improvement (QI) state-based learning collaborative designed to create sustainable state to local improvement infrastructure to achieve awareness and improvement in the preventive health outcomes of children based on Bright Futures. Four CORNET practices participated in the project.
National Partnership for Adolescent Immunization (NPAI). This project focused on enhancing adolescent immunization delivery through the implementation of quality improvement activities in primary care practices and pediatric resident training programs. During the learning collaborative stages of this project, participating practices were asked to choose one of two strategies to improve their HPV vaccine immunization rates. The two strategies included a point of care prompt (either nurse or EMR) or standing orders. The selected strategy was implemented in each participating practice for 12 months, during which faculty/resident/staff champions participated in monthly learning collaborative conference calls. Thirteen practices participated, with five choosing standing orders as their strategy and eight utilizing prompts. Findings were presented in two platforms and two posters at PAS 2016, in addition to a workshop on involving pediatric residents in QI in continuity clinics, using adolescent immunizations as a template. Three manuscripts are currently underway.
Initial results from the Bright Futures Oral Health study funded by the Maternal and Child Health Bureau (Hank Bernstein, PI) were presented at the 2011 Denver PAS meeting. Twenty-seven pediatric training programs (143 residents) participated. This RCT was very successful in showing that residents improved in confidence and knowledge about BF concepts, and were able to incorporate preventive health strategies into their practices. Two manuscripts are underway. This was a very intensive and important CORNET study. Thanks to everyone who participated!
Secondary Sexual Characteristics in Boys Study (SSCIB). Seven CORNET practices, including 10 CORNET faculties, collaborated with the PROS network in this study that examined the onset of secondary sexual characteristics in boys. Marcia Giddens, DrPh, PA served as the PI. CORNET contributed data on 300 minority and underserved boys, increasing the generalizability of study results. Results have been presented at the last two PAS meetings.
The Survey of Pediatric Asthma Care Education in Residency (SPACER) study was completed in 2009. This study, with Sande Okelo, MD as PI, and Terry Hetzler and Cindy Ferrell as CORNET co-investigators, was a cross-sectional survey to assess asthma management and incorporation of national practice guidelines by pediatric residents. Ten pediatric training programs participated and surveys were obtained from 369 residents. Two PAS abstracts were presented in 2009 and 2010 and a manuscript is under revision. Future analysis will compare resident responses to those of practitioners from a similar study Dr. Okelo conducted within the American Academy of Pediatrics and practicing pediatricians.
Health Care of Pediatric Residents and their Families. This cross-sectional study funded by East Carolina University was led by Kristina Simeonsson, MD and John Olsson, MD and examined pediatric residents' perceived access to health care for themselves and their families, self-prescribing practices, whether colleagues provide care and the care their families receive. Nineteen pediatric training programs participated, with 834 residents providing data. Results were presented in two posters at the PAS meeting. Manuscript preparation has begun. The results from this study will help to inform the Residency Review Committee (RRC) and the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME).
How is Continuity Defined in Continuity Clinics? Paul Darden, MD, MPH was the principal investigator for this CORNET-APA Continuity SIG collaboration which surveyed pediatric continuity directors to determine how they measure and define continuity, an important concept to the Residency Review Committee. Results from 170 programs (over 75% of all pediatric training programs nationally) were presented at the 2011 Denver PAS.
Bright Futures, Preventive Services Improvement Project (PreSIP). Paula Duncan, MD, the PI on this project, obtained funding from HRSA and MCHB for a collaborative project based in four CORNET sites and several practices participating in the QUINN program. The goal is to determine if Bright Futures can be easily implemented in a busy clinical setting, targeting children birth to 3 years. The methodology is a quality improvement project to develop and test specific changes, using rapid cycle change strategies. Results from the project are now in the analysis phase.
Adolescent Immunizations within Medical Homes Initiative (AIMHI). This 3-phase study, funded by the Centers for Disease Control, is a quality improvement study to increase adolescent immunization rates, and a collaboration between CORNET and the Rochester practice-based network (GR-PBRN). Peter Szilagyi, MD, MPH is PI. Phase 1 was a survey of 47 CORNET practitioners that determined potential interventions, barriers, strategies and critical components of interventions to enhance immunization of adolescents. Results were presented at the 2011 PAS meeting. The second phase has consisted of a series of focus group discussions using a modified Delphi technique. Participants have discussed the most feasible and sustainable strategy to enhance adolescent immunizations. Use of an EMR and nurse prompts were the most promising tools. In Phase 3, 12 CORNET sites participated in a trial of 3 different strategies in order to measure the effectiveness of the selected strategies in increasing adolescent vaccination rates and impact on utilization of services in the medical homes.
Pediatric Residency Integrated Survey: Mental Health in Primary Care (PRISM-PC). The PI for this 2-phase study is Maya Bunik, MD, MPSH. The first phase, funded by University of Colorado, was a cross-sectional survey of continuity directors focusing on mental health patient access, resident education of mental health issues, and whether practices have integrated mental health models at their sites. Surveys were completed by 54 programs and results were presented at the 2011 PAS meeting. Funding is being secured for the second phase, which will be a comparative study examining patient and resident educational outcomes among different mental health integration models.
Lutz MR, Tyrrell H, Sharifi M, Yin HS, Solomon BS, Johnson SB, Bettencourt AF, Perrin EM. Material goods provided in pediatric primary care clinics: A landscape analysis. Acad Pediatr. (2025), doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.acap.2025.102780
Ray J, Finn EB, Tyrrell H, Aloe CF, Perrin EM, Wood CT, Miner DS, Grout R, Michel JJ, Damschroder LJ, Sharifi M. User-Centered Framework for Implementation of Technology (UFIT): Development of an Integrated Framework for Designing Clinical Decision Support Tools Packaged With Tailored Implementation Strategies. J Med Internet Res. 2024 May 21;26:e51952. doi: 10.2196/51952. PMID: 38771622.
Brochier A, Torres A, Tyrrell H, Barahona Paz K, Gordon Wexler M, Griffith M, Joiner T, Magardino A, Messmer E, Rogers S, Scheindlin B, Serwint JR, Sharif I, Shone LP, Stockwell MS, Tripodis Y, Garg A, Drainoni M. Addressing adverse social determinants of health in pediatric primary care: Study protocol for a hybrid type 2 effectiveness-implementation randomized controlled trial in two national pediatric practice-based research networks. Contemporary Clinical Trials. (2024), doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cct.2024.107436
Erickson E, Caldwell A, Shearman N, Sharif-Session I, Garbe MC, Tyrrell H, Needlman R, Dunlap M. Clinician perceptions on literacy promotion in pediatric continuity clinics. Acad Pediatr. (2022), doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.acap.2022.05.021
Griffeth E, Sharif I, Caldwell A, Cooper MT Jr., Tyrrell H, Dunlap M. Health Literacy Perceptions and Knowledge in Pediatric Continuity Practices. HLRP: Health Literacy Research and Practice. (2022), doi: https://doi.org/10.3928/24748307-20220208-01
Erickson E, Caldwell A, Shearman N, Sharif I, Garbe CM, Tyrrell H, Needlman R, Dunlap M. Clinician experiences with Reach Out and Read: An exploratory qualitative analysis. Acad Pediatr. (2021), doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.acap.2021.01.011
Wallace-Brodeur R, Li R, Davis W, Humiston S, Albertin C, Szilagyi PG, Rand CM. A quality improvement collaborative to increase human papillomavirus vaccination rates in local health department clinics. Preventive Medicine. (2020), doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ypmed.2020.106235
Rand CM, Concannon C, Wallace-Brodeur R, Davis W, Albertin CS, Humiston SG, Szilagyi PG. Identifying Strategies to Reduce Missed Opportunities for HPV Vaccination in Primary Care: A qualitative study of positive deviants. Clinical Pediatrics. (2020), doi: https://doi.org/10.1177/0009922820930357
Caldwell A, Erickson E, Shearman N, Sharif I, Garbe MC, Tyrrell H. Literacy Promotion Training and Implementation in Pediatric Continuity Clinics. Acad Pediatr. (2020), doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.acap.2020.04.008
Morgenlander MA, Tyrrell H, Garfunkel LC, Serwint JR, Steiner MJ, Schilling S. Screening for social determinants of health in pediatric resident continuity clinic. Acad Pediatr. (2019), doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.acap.2019.02.008
Sharif I, Tyrrell H. The Continuity Research Network (CORNET): What's in it for you? The Journal of Pediatrics. 2019; 212, doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jpeds.2019.07.002
Braganza SF, Tyrrell H, Rosen C, Mogilner L, Phillips A, Slovin S, Sharif I. CORNET CARD STUDY #1: DO YOU SEE WHAT I SEE? Provider Confidence in Caring for Children with Special Health Care Needs. Acad Pediatr. (2019), doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.acap.2019.10.005
Rand CM, Tyrrell H, Wallace-Brodeur R, Goldstein NPN, Darden PM, Humiston SG, Albertin CS, Stratbucker W, Schaffer SJ, Davis W, Szilagyi PG. A learning collaborative model to improve human papillomavirus vaccination rates in primary care. Acad Pediatr. 2018 March; 18(2 Suppl): S45-S52. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.acap.2018.01.003
Stratbucker W, Duryea T, Serwint JR, Gifford KA. Synergistically improving resident education and rates of human papillomavirus vaccination. Acad Pediatr. 2018 March; 18(2 Suppl): S44-S45. Doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.acap.2017.05.006
Sanguino, S.M., Dhepyasuwan, N., Church, A., Dabrow, S., Serwint, J.R., Bernstein, H.H. for the CORNET Investigators. Oral Health Promotion During Well Visits. Clinical Pediatrics. 2017; 10.1177/0009922817709552. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177%2F0009922817709552.
Lee JM, Wasserman R, Kaciroti N, Gebremariam A, Steffes J, Dowshen S, Harris D, Serwint J, Abney D, Smitherman L, Reiter E, Herman-Giddens ME. Timing of puberty in overweight versus obese boys. Pediatrics. 2016; 127:320150164. http://www.aappublications.org/news/2016/01/27/Research011216 http://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/early/2016/01/25/peds.2015-0164
Duncan P, Pirretti A, Earls MF, Stratbucker W, Healy JA, Shaw JS, Kairys S. Improving delivery of Bright Futures preventive services at the 9- and 24-month well child visit. Pediatrics. 2015. 135:e178-e186. http://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/135/1/e178.abstract?etoc
Szilagyi PG, Serwint JR, Humiston SG, Rand CM, Schaffer S, Vincelli P, Dhepyasuwan N, Blumkin A, Albertin C, Curtis CR. Effect of provider prompts on adolescent immunization rates: a randomized trial. Acad Pediatr. 2015 Mar-Apr;15(2):149-57.
Gereige RS, Dhepyasuwan N, Garcia K, Vasan R., Serwint JR, Bernstein HH. Pediatric residents' knowledge and comfort with Oral Health Bright Futures concepts: a CORNET study. Acad Pediatr. 2015. 15(5): 551-556.
Lee JM, Wasserman R, Kaciroti N, Gebremariam A, Steffes J, Dowshen S, Harris D, Serwint J, Abney D, Smitherman L, Reiter E, Herman-Giddens ME. Timing of puberty in overweight versus obese boys. Pediatrics. 2016; 127:320150164. http://www.aappublications.org/news/2016/01/27/Research011216
Khan MA, Barratt MS, Krugman S, Serwint JR, Dumont-Driscoll M for the CORNET Investigators. Variability of the Institutional Review Board Process within a National Research Network, Clin Pediatr 2014; 53(6):556-560. https://doi.org/10.1177/0009922814527504
Okelo SO, Siberry GK, Solomon BS, Bilderback AL, Yamazaki M, Hetzler T, Ferrell CL, Dhepyasuwan N, Serwint JR. for the CORNET Investigators. Asthma treatment decisions by pediatric residents do not consistently conform to guidelines nor improve with level of training. Acad Pediatr. 2014. 14(3):287-293 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1876285913004282
Simeonsson K, Olsson J, Dhepyasuwan N, Drutz J, Benun J, Serwint J. Use of health care services by pediatrics residents: a CORNET study. Journal of Graduate Medical Education. 2014. 6(2): 264 - 269. http://www.jgme.org/doi/abs/10.4300/JGME-D-13-00251.1?journalCode=jgme
Bernstein H, Dhepyasuwan N, Connors K, Volkan K, Serwint JR. and the CORNET investigators. Evaluation of a national Bright Futures oral health curriculum. Acad Pediatrics. 2013. 13(2): 133-139.
Humiston S, Serwint J, Szilagyi P, Vincelli P, Dhepyasuwan N, Rand C, Schaffer S, Curtis R. Increasing adolescent immunization rates in primary care: Strategies physicians use and would consider implementing. Clinical Pediatrics. 2013. 52(8): 710-720.
Bunik M, Talmi A, Stafford B, Beaty B, Kempe A, Dhepyasuwan N, Serwint JR. Integrating mental health services in primary care continuity clinics: A National CORNET Study Acad Pediatrics. 2013. 13(6): 551-557.
Herman-Giddens ME, Steffes J, Harris D, Slora E, Hussey M, Dowshen SA, Wasserman R, Serwint JR, Smitherman L, Reiter EO. Secondary sexual characteristics in boys. Data from the Pediatric Research in Office Settings Network. Pediatrics 2012;130:e1058-e1068.
Wasserman R, Serwint JR, Kuppermann N, Srivastava R, Dreyer B. The APA and the rise of pediatric generalist network research. Acad Pediatrics. 2011. 11(3):195-204.
Krugman SD, Parra-Roide L, Hobson WL, Garfunkel LC, Serwint JR. Spanish-speaking patients perceive high quality care in resident continuity practices: A CORNET study. Clinical Pediatrics. 2009. 48(3):304-310. This is the first CORNET manuscript to examine health care disparities.
Krugman SD, Garfunkel LC, Olsson JM, Ferrell CL, Serwint JR for the CORNET Investigators. Does quality of primary care vary by level of training in pediatrics resident continuity practices? Acad Pediatr. 2009. 9(4):228-233. Charlie Homer, MD, cited this article in his editorial about the patient centered medical home.
Krugman SD, Racine A, Dabrow S, Sanguino S, Meyer W, Seid M, Serwint JR. Measuring primary care of children in pediatric resident continuity practices: A Continuity Research Network Study. Pediatrics. 2007. 120 (2):e262-e271.
Serwint JR, Thoma KA, Dabrow SM, Hunt LE, Barratt MS, Shope TR, Darden PM for the CORNET Investigators. Comparing patients seen in pediatric resident continuity clinics and National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey Practices: A study from the Continuity Research Network. Pediatrics. 2006; 118 (3):e849-385. This study demonstrated that a higher proportion of low income and minority patients are seen in continuity practices.
Feigelman S, Olsson J, Drutz J, Dungy CI, Lopreiato J, Serwint JR. for the Continuity Research Network (CORNET) Changes in pediatric residents' perceptions of their continuity experience during their training: a national study. Amb Pediatr. 2005. 5(4):221-227. http://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S1530156705602067
Serwint JR, Feigelman S, Dumont-Driscoll M, Collins R, Zhan M, Kittredge D for the CORNET Investigators. Factors associated with resident satisfaction with their continuity experience. Amb Pediatr. 2004; 4(1):4-9. Accompanying editorial by Benjamin Siegel, MD, regarding role models in continuity practices. http://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S1530156705602602
Serwint JR, Feigelman S, Dumont-Driscoll M. CORNET Research Network. Listing contributions of investigators in research groups. JAMA. 2003;289(17):2212.
Serwint JR and the Continuity Clinic Special Interest Group, Ambulatory Pediatric Association. Multi-site survey of pediatric residents' continuity experiences: Their perceptions of the clinical and educational opportunities. Pediatrics. 2001; 107(5)E78, 1-16.
Chen Y, Miller E, Kuttamperoor J, Guevara V, Walther D, Tyrrell H, Yin S, Mendelsohn AL, Canfield CF. Early Relational Health Programs in Pediatric Primary Care: Perceived Clinic Needs to Support Implementation. Poster Presentation, 2025 Pediatric Academic Societies Meeting, Honolulu, HI, April 27.
Aloe CF, Ray JM, Finn EB, Tyrrell HP, Michel JJ, Grout RW, Wood CT, Miner DS, Perrin EM, Damschroder LJ, Esserman D, Sharifi M. Acceptance and Perceptions of Electronic Health Record-based Clinical Decision Support for Obesity in Pediatric Primary Care. American Medical Informatics Association 2024 Annual Symposium, November 9th to 13th, 2024. San Francisco, CA. Podium presentation.
Aloe CF, Xu X, Finn EB, Tyrrell HP, Ray JM, Michel JJ, Grout RW, Wood CT, Miner DS, Perrin EM, Sharifi M. Implementation of Clinical Decision Support for Pediatric Overweight/Obesity in Multiple Healthcare Systems: A Micro-Costing Analysis. Society for Medical Decision Making 46th Annual Meeting, October 27th to 30th, 2024. Boston, MA. Poster presentation.
Sharifi M, Yin S, Tyrrell H, Serwint J, Ulrich A. Promoting Engagement in the Academic Pediatric Association’s Continuity Research network (CORNET). Oral Presentation, 2024 NAPCRG Practice-based Research Network (PBRN) Conference, Reston, Virginia, June 17-18.
Garg A, Brochier A, Torres A, Tyrrell H, Ayturk D, BarahonaPaz K, Drainoni ML, Fiks A, Freibott C, Griffith M, Joiner T, Lyndaker L, Macario E, Scheindlin B, Tripodis Y, Stockwell M, Serwint J. Effectiveness of a social needs screening and referral system (WE CARE) implemented in U.S. pediatric practices on parents’ receipt of resources: a stepped wedge cluster trial. Oral Presentation, 2024 Pediatric Academic Societies Meeting, Toronto, Canada, May 2-6.
Lutz MR, Tyrrell H, Sharifi M, Yin HS, Bettencourt AF, Perrin EM. Materials goods provided in pediatric primary care clinics: A landscape analysis. Poster Presentation, 2024 Pediatric Academic Societies Meeting, Toronto, Canada, May 2-6.
Lutz MR, Tyrrell H, Sharifi M, Yin HS, Bettencourt AF, Perrin EM. Materials goods provided in pediatric primary care clinics: A landscape analysis. Poster Presentation at the Academic Pediatric Association Region IV Meeting. February 24, 2024, Charlottesville, VA.
Aloe CF, Xu X, Finn EB, Tyrrell HP, Ray JM, Michel JJ, Grout RW, Wood CT, Miner D, Perrin EM, Sharifi M. Design and development of a clinical decision support tool for pediatric obesity in multiple healthcare systems: a micro-costing analysis. Poster presentation at the 16th Annual Conference on the Science of Dissemination and Implementation in Health, December 10th to 13th, 2023. Arlington, VA.
Ray JM, Aloe CF, Finn EB, Tyrrell HP, Xu Y, Michel JJ, Grout RW, Wood CT, Miner D, Perrin E, Damschroder L, Esserman D, Sharifi M. Primary Care Clinicians’ Use of and Preferences for Electronic Health Record Tools to Support Pediatric Obesity Care. American Medical Informatics Association 2023 Annual Symposium. November 11-15, 2023. New Orleans, LA. Poster presentation.
Crittenden F, Finn E, Aloe C, Ray J, Tyrrell H, Xu Y , Michel J, Grout R, Miner D, Wood C, Perrin E, Damschroder L, Esserman D, Sharifi M. Primary Care Physicians’ Perceptions and Biases in Overweight and Obesity Care. Poster presentation at The Obesity Society Obesity Week Annual Meeting, November 14th to 17th, 2023. Dallas, TX.
Taylor, C.A., Bai, R, Fleckman, J.M., Brown, K., Scholer, S, and Tyrrell, H. (2023, June) Preventative Screening to Identify Parenting Risks for Child Maltreatment and Child Behavioral Problems in U.S. Pediatric Settings. Academy Health Annual Research Meeting. Seattle, WA. (Poster Presentation)
Nugent J, Maciejewski K, Finn E, Grout R, Wood C, Esserman D, Michel J, Lu Y, Sharifi M. Epidemiology of High Blood Pressure in Children Aged 2 to 12 Years Old with Overweight or Obesity. Oral abstract presentation, 2023 Pediatric Academic Societies Meeting, Washington, DC, May 1.
Ray JM, Aloe C, Finn EB, Tyrrell H, Xu Y, Michel J, Grout RW, Wood CT, Miner DS, Perrin EM, Damschroder L, Esserman D, Sharifi M. Pediatric Primary Care Management of Overweight/Obesity: the Role of Electronic Health Record Tools. Poster. Pediatric Academic Societies Annual Meeting. April 27-May 1, 2023. Washington, D.C.
Finn EB, Aloe C, Ray JM, Tyrrell H, Xu Y, Michel J, Grout RW, Wood CT, Miner DS, Perrin EM, Damschroder L, Esserman D, Sharifi M. Obesity-related attitudes and practice among pediatric primary care clinicians. Poster. Pediatric Academic Societies Annual Meeting. April 27-May 1, 2023. Washington, D.C.
Taylor C, Brown K, Bai R, Fleckman J, Tyrrell H, Scholer S. Screening for Parent Discipline Practices and Childhood Behavior Problems in U.S. Pediatric Residency Continuity Clinics. Oral abstract presentation, 2023 Pediatric Academic Societies Meeting, Washington, DC, May 1.
Barahona Paz K, Tyrrell H, Brochier A, Griffith M, Joiner T, Scheindlin B, Serwint J, Stockwell M, Torres A, Zelinsky J, Tripodis Y, Garg A. The relationship between family- and practice-level characteristics and contact mode with parental acceptance for assistance with unmet social needs. Oral abstract presentation, 2023 Pediatric Academic Societies Meeting, Washington, DC, May 1.
Aloe CF, Ray JM, Finn EB, Tyrrell HP, Maciejewski KR, Michel J, Grout R, Wood CT, Miner DS, Wang R, Perrin EM, Esserman D, Damschroder LJ, Sharifi M. Informing Clinical Decision Support for the Management of Overweight and Obesity in Pediatric Primary Care: A Mixed-Methods Formative Evaluation. Poster presentation at the 15th Annual Conference on the Science of Dissemination and Implementation in Health, December 11th to 14th, 2022. Washington, D.C.
Gajulapalli P, Sriraman NK, Harrington JW, Tyrrell H. Attitudes toward postpartum depression screening in pediatric continuity practices. Poster Presentation, 2022 Pediatric Academic Societies Meeting, Denver, CO, April 25.
Stafford AM, Garcia Ortiz NG, Tyrrell H, Sharif-Session I, Gonzalex-Guarda R. Clinician perspectives on strategies to improve depression treatment engagement among Latinx adolescents. Poster Presentation, 2022 Pediatric Academic Societies Meeting, Denver, CO, April 25.
Yin SH, Sharifi M, Rand CM, Garg A, Tyrrell H, Serwint JR, Kemper AR, Sharif I, Szilagyi PG. Leveraging primary care research in academic settings to advance health equity: Past, present, and future. Invited Science Session, 2022 Pediatric Academic Societies Meeting, Denver, CO, April 25.
Sharifi M, Ray JM, Finn EB, Tyrrell H, Aloe C, Maciejewski KR, Michel J, Grout R, Wood C, Miner DS, Wang R, Esserman D, Perrin EM, Damschroder LJ. Preparing to launch iPOP-UP (Improving Pediatric Obesity Practice Using Prompts): A mixed methods formative evaluation. Poster Presentation, 2022 Pediatric Academic Societies Meeting, Denver, CO, April 25.
Quadri M, Tyrrell H, Nicklas D, Starmer A, Fenick A. Use of telehealth during the COVID-19 pandemic in U.S. pediatric continuity clinics. Poster Presentation, 2022 Pediatric Academic Societies Meeting, Denver, CO, April 24.
Ray JM, Finn E, Tyrrell H, Aloe C, Perrin EM, Wood CT, Miner DS, Grout RW, Michel JJ, Damschroder LJ, Sharifi M. Tailoring clinical decision support for heterogeneous settings: A formative evaluation of obesity management in pediatric primary care. Poster Presentation, 14th Annual Conference on the Science of Dissemination and Implementation in Health, December 14-16, 2021. Virtual conference.
Cooper MT, Griffeth E, Sharif I, Dunlap M. Universal health literacy precautions in pediatric residency programs. Poster Presentation, 2020 Pediatric Academic Societies’ Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, May 5. Due to Covid-19 related conference cancellation, this peer-reviewed abstract and/or presentation was disseminated on 4/TBD/2020 to PAS 2020 Meeting Program Guide.
Caldwell A, Erickson E, Shearman N, Sharif I, Garbe MC, Tyrrell H, Needlman R, Dunlap M. Clinician experiences with Reach Out and Read. Poster Presentation, 2020 Pediatric Academic Societies’ Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, May 3. Due to Covid-19 related conference cancellation, this peer-reviewed abstract and/or presentation was disseminated on 4/TBD/2020 to PAS 2020 Meeting Program Guide.
Darden PM, Tyrrell H, Garbe MC, Szilagyi PG, Rand C. Documentation is key to using quality interventions in reducing missed opportunities for HPV vaccination: A project of the Continuity Research Network (CORNET). Poster Presentation, 2020 Pediatric Academic Societies’ Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, May 2. Due to Covid-19 related conference cancellation, this peer-reviewed abstract and/or presentation was disseminated on 4/TBD/2020 to PAS 2020 Meeting Program Guide.
Caldwell A, Erickson E, Shearman N, Sharif I, Tyrrell H, Needlman R, Dunlap M. Clinician experiences with Reach Out and Read. Oral Presentation, 2020 Southern Regional Meeting, New Orleans, LA, February 15.
Concannon C, Tyrrell H, Wallace-Brodeur R, Chen M, Albertin C, Rand C. Characteristics of Practice Recommending HPV vaccine initiation at age 9-10. Poster Presentation, 2019 Pediatric Academic Societies' Meeting, Baltimore, MD, April 29.
Caldwell, A., Erickson, E., Shearman, N., Garbe, M., Tyrrell, H., Sharif, I., Needlman, R., Dunlap, M. Reach Out and Read Training in Residency Continuity Clinics. Poster Presentation, 2019 Pediatric Academic Societies' Meeting, Baltimore, MD, April 29.
Rand C. Getting under the hood of high-performing practices for HPV vaccination: A qualitative analysis. Poster Presentation, 2019 Pediatric Academic Societies' Meeting, Baltimore, MD, April 29.
Wallace-Brodeur R. Tapping into nurse visits to reduce missed opportunities for HPV vaccine. Platform Presentation, 2019 Pediatric Academic Societies' Meeting, Baltimore, MD, April 27.
Caldwell, A., Erickson, E., Shearman, N., Garbe, M., Tyrrell, H., Sharif, I., Needlman, R., Dunlap, M. Reach Out and Read Training in Residency Continuity Clinics. Oral Presentation, 2019 Southern Regional Meeting, Southern Society for Clinical Investigation, New Orleans, LA, February 23.
Caldwell, A., Erickson, E., Shearman, N., Garbe, M., Tyrrell, H., Sharif, I., Needlman, R., Dunlap, M. Reach Out and Read Training in Residency Continuity Clinics. Poster Presentation, 2019 APA Region IV Meeting, Charlottesville, VA, February 9.
Morgenlander M, Steiner M, Garfunkel L, Serwint J, Tyrrell H, Schilling S. Screening for social determinants of health in pediatric residency continuity clinics. Poster Presentation, 2018 Preventive Medicine Annual Meeting of ACPM, Chicago, IL, May 25.
Morgenlander M, Steiner M, Garfunkel L, Serwint J, Tyrrell H, Schilling S. Screening for social determinants of health in pediatric residency continuity clinics. Podium Presentation, 2018 Pediatric Academic Societies' Meeting, Toronto, Canada, May 8.
Tyrrell H, Rand C, Szilagyi P, Salvati ZM, Darden PM. Quality improvement in vaccine delivery, measuring up-to-date using the tally form: A study from the Continuity Research Network (CORNET). Poster Presentation, 2018 Pediatric Academic Societies' Meeting, Toronto, Canada, May 7.
Sharif I, Tyrrell H, Braganza S, Rosen C, Mogilner L, Phillips A, Slovin S. CORNET Card Study #1: Do you see what I see, and can I do what you do? [Caring for children with special healthcare needs (CSHCN)]. Poster Presentation, 2018 Pediatric Academic Societies' Meeting, Toronto, Canada, May 7.
Tyrrell H, Feigelman S, Phillips A, Sharif I. Partnering with parent navigators: Improving care and promoting community-engaged research. Podium Presentation, 2017 Conference on Community Engagement and Healthcare Improvement: Connecting Research, Practice, and Community for Improved Outcomes, San Antonio, TX, September 12-13.
Rand C, Tyrrell H, Wallace-Brodeur R, Goldstein N, Darden P, Humiston S, Albertin C, Stratbucker W, Schaffer S, Davis W, Szilagyi P. Learning collaborative model can improve HPV vaccination rates in primary care. AAP Presidential Plenary, 2017 Pediatric Academic Societies' Meeting, San Francisco, CA, May 7.
Serwint JR, Albertin C, Dhepyasuwan N, Darden PM, Stratbucker W, Blumkin A, Humiston SG, Mann KJ, Rand CM, Schaffer SJ, Szilagyi PG. Perceived benefits of resident involvement in a national quality improvement (QI) initiative on improving HPV vaccine: The faculty (site director) perspective, a CORNET study. Poster Presentation, 2016 Pediatric Academic Societies' Meeting, Baltimore, MD, May 2.
L C Garfunkel, N Dhepyasuwan, W L Hobson, R Samuels, R A Bloomfield, Jr., M Deimling, B Margolis, R Wasserman, and J R Serwint. Health information technology in pediatric residents' professional and personal lives. Platform presentation, 2014 Pediatric Societies' Meeting, Vancouver, May 4.
Serwint JR, Albertin C, Darden PM, Dhepyasuwan N, Humiston SG, Mann K, Rand CM, Schaffer SJ, Stratbucker W, Szilagyi PG. Pediatric resident involvement in a national quality improvement (QI) project in their continuity site: A CORNET study. Platform Presentation, 2016 Pediatric Academic Societies' Meeting, Baltimore, MD, May 2.
Stratbucker W, Serwint J, Darden P, Dhepyasuwan N, Albertin C, Blumkin A, Rand C, Schaffer S, Mann K, Humiston S, Szilagi P. National multisite quality improvement (QI) of HPV vaccination opportunities through standing order (SO) implementation: A CORNET (Continuity Research Network) study. Platform Presentation, 2016 Pediatric Academic Societies' Meeting, Baltimore, MD, May 2.
P Szilagyi, J Serwint, S Humiston, C Rand, S Schaffer, P Vincelli, N Dhepyasuwan, A Blumkin, C
Albertin R Curtiss. Do point-of-care (POC) prompts increase adolescent immunization coverage? A randomized control Trial. Platform presentation, 2014 Pediatric Societies' Meeting, Vancouver, May 5.
L C Garfunkel, N Dhepyasuwan, W L Hobson, R Samuels, R A Bloomfield, Jr., M Deimling, B Margolis, R Wasserman, and J R Serwint. Health information technology in pediatric residents' professional and personal lives. Platform presentation, 2014 Pediatric Societies' Meeting, Vancouver, May 4.
Wasserman R, Kaciroti N, Gebremariam A, Steffes J, Dowshen S, Harris D, Serwint J, Abney D, Smitherman L, Reiter E, Herman-Giddens, ME. Obesity and timing of boys pubertal development. Platform presentation, 2014 Pediatric Societies' Meeting, Vancouver, May 5.
Stratbucker W, Dhepyasuwan N, Dabrow S, Feigelman S, Ferrell C, Garfunkel L, Hetzler T, Samuels RC, Serwint JR. Assessing the value of the continuity research network after a decade. Poster presentation, 2013 Pediatric Societies' Meeting, Washington, DC, May 7.
Serwint JR, Garfunkel L, Samuels R, Hobson-Rohrer W, Bloomfield R, Deimling M, Meyer M, Margolis B, Slora E, Dhepyasuwan N. Pediatric residents' attitudes and experiences with electronic health records. Poster presentation, 2013 Pediatric Societies' Meeting, Washington DC, May 7.
Bernstein H, Dhepyasuwan N, Connors K, Volkan K, Serwint JR. and the CORNET investigators. Evaluation of a National Bright Futures Oral Health Curriculum for Pediatric Residents. Platform presentation, 2011 Pediatric Academic Societies' Meeting, Denver CO, April 30 .
Bunik M, Talmi A, Stafford B, Beaty B, Kempe A, Dhepyasuwan N, Serwint JR. Pediatric residency integrated survey of mental health in primary care (PRISM-PC): A National CORNET Study. Poster presentation, 2011 Pediatric Academic Societies' Meeting, Denver, CO , April 30.
Darden PM, Kyle KK, Dhepyasuwan N, Olsson JM, Serwint JR. Is Continuity Measured in Continuity Clinics: A study from the APA Continuity SIG and CORNET. Poster symposium , 2011 Pediatric Academic Societies' Meeting, Denver, CO, May 1.
Humiston S, Serwint J, Szilagyi P, Vincelli P, Dhepyasuwan N, Rand C, Schaffer S, Curtis R. Strategies for increasing adolescent immunization rates in primary care: What physicians use and would consider. Poster presentation, 2011 Pediatric Academic Societies' Meeting, Denver, CO, April 30.
Simeonsson K, Olsson J, Dhepyasuwan N, Drutz J, Benun J, Serwint JR for the CORNET Investigators. Healthcare utilization by pediatric residents. Poster presentation, 2011 Pediatric Academic Societies' Meeting, Denver, CO, May 1.
Simeonsson K, Olsson J, Dhepyasuwan N, Stratbucker W, Meyer M, Serwint JR for the CORNET Investigators. The practice of self-prescription and informal care seeking by pediatric residents. Poster presentation , 2011 Pediatric Academic Societies' Meeting, Denver CO, May 1.
Dhepyasuwan N, Connors K, Volkan K, Serwint JR, Bernstein H and the CORNET Investigators. How well do pediatric residents incorporate Bright Futures and oral health concepts during health supervision visits? Platform presentation, 2011 Pediatric Academic Societies' Meeting, Denver, CO, May 2.
Okelo S, Siberry GK, Solomon BS, Yamazaki M, Barratt MS, DeYBarrondo L, Klein SP, Dhepyasuwan N, Serwint JR for the CORNET Investigators. How do pediatric residents incorporate clinical data to estimate asthma control and safety? Poster presentation, 2010 Pediatric Academic Societies' Meeting, Vancouver, BC, May 2.
Dhepyasuwan N, Serwint JR, Connors K, Bernstein H. Bright Futures and Oral Health Concepts for Pediatric Residents: Preliminary Findings from CORNET. Poster presentation, 2009 Pediatric Academic Societies' Meeting, Baltimore, MD, May 2.
Okelo S, Siberry GK, Solomon BS, Yamazaki M, Hetzler T, Ferrell C, Dhepyasuwan N, Serwint JR for the CORNET Investigators. Survey of Pediatric Asthma Care Education in Residency: the SPACER Study. Platform presentation, 2009 Pediatric Academic Societies' Meeting, Baltimore, MD, May 3.
Krugman SC, Hobson WL, Garfunkel LC, Serwint JR, Parra-Roide L for the CORNET Investigators. Hispanic patients receive high quality care in resident continuity practices: A CORNET study. Poster presentation, 2007 Pediatric Academic Societies' Meeting, Toronto, Canada, May 6.
Krugman SD, Pan R, Ferrell C, Croskell SE, Serwint JR. Parents perceive pediatric residents as providing high quality care: A multisite study from the Continuity Research Network (CORNET). Poster presentation, 2005 Pediatric Academic Societies Meeting, Washington DC, May 15.
Krugman SD, Ferrell C, Croskell SE, Pan R, Serwint JR. Parents who can identify their child's primary care resident perceive higher quality care. Poster presentation, 2005 Pediatric Academic Societies Meeting, Washington, DC, May 15.
Serwint JR, Thoma KA, Dabrow SM, Hunt LE, Barratt MS, Shope TR, Darden PM. Comparing patients seen in continuity clinics and the National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey(NAMCS): A study from the Continuity Research Network. (CORNET). Platform presentation, 2004 Pediatric Academic Societies' Meeting, APA Presidential Plenary, San Francisco, CA, May 3.
Serwint JR, Feigelman S, Dumont-Driscoll M, Collins R, Zhan M, Kittredge D for the CORNET Investigators. Factors associated with resident satisfaction with their continuity experience. Platform presentation, 2001 Pediatric Academic Societies' Meeting, Baltimore, MD, May 1.
Feigelman S, Olsson J, Drutz J, Dungy CI, Lopreiato L, Serwint JR. 2001 Pediatric Academic Societies' Meeting. Do Resident perceptions of the continuity experience differ with level of training? Poster presentation, 2001 Pediatric Academic Societies' Meeting, Baltimore, MD, April 28.
Sharifi M, Serwint J, Auger K, Kair L, Flaherman V, Goyal N, Yin HS, Ulrich A, and Tyrrell H. Collaborating with National Research Networks to Expand and Diversify the Reach of Your Research. Workshop at 2024 Pediatric Academic Societies’ Annual Meeting, Toronto, Ontario, May 4.
Feigelman S, Phillips A, Sharif I, Tyrrell H, Perry L, Garfunkel L, Gifford K, Burrows H. Partnering with parent navigators to meet your care coordination/PCMH needs and promote community-engaged research. Workshop at 2017 APA Region II/III Meeting, New York City, NY, March 24.
Steiner MJ, Schilling S, Serwint JR, Morreale M, Samuels RC, Garfunkel L, Dabrow S, Kaczorowski J. ACEing ACES in continuity clinic: How to identify and address social determinants of health and adverse childhood experiences. Workshop at 2016 Pediatric Academic Societies' Meeting, Baltimore, MD, April 30.
Humiston S, Darden PM, Shaw J, Szilagyi P, Rand CM, Schaffer S, Serwint JR, Stratbucker W. Teaching the change you want to see: Involving pediatric residents in QI in continuity clinic using adolescent immunization as a template. Workshop at 2016 Pediatric Academic Societies’ Meeting, Baltimore, MD, May 1.
Humiston S, Mann K, Darden P, Stratbucker W, Serwint JR et al. Teaching pediatric residents quality improvement using adolescent immunization delivery as the focus: National partnerships for adolescent immunization (NPAI) workshop. Workshop at 2013 Pediatric Academic Societies' Meeting, Washington, DC, May 2.
Stratbucker W, Serwint JR, Hetzler T, Dhepyasuwan N. Continuity clinic QI with CORNET: Take your project to the next level. Workshop at 2011 Pediatric Academic Societies Meeting, Denver, CO, May 1.
Stratbucker W , Olsson J, Sanders L, Hetzler T, Garfunkel L, Serwint JR, Dhepyasuwan N. Continuity clinic takes on quality improvement: Multi-site project collaboration with CORNET. Workshop at 2010 Pediatric Academic Societies' Meeting, Vancouver, BC, May 3.
Link DA, Dougherty D, Miles PV, Russ SA, Wasserman RC, Serwint JR, Cabana MD, Srivastava R, Flores G, Woods ER. Quality improvement research and evaluation methods of all: Applying QI methods to your project. Workshop at 2010 Pediatric Academic Societies' Meeting, Vancouver, BC, May 4.
Stratbucker W, Dhepyasuwan N,Link E, Garfunkel L. Creating Multi-site clinical and educational research studies with CORNET: Expand the possibilities. Workshop at 2009 Pediatric Academic Societies' Meeting, Baltimore, MD ,May 4.
Stratbucker W, Feigelman S, Dhepyasuwan. What's going on in continuity clinic? Clinical and educational research with CORNET. Workshop at 2008 Pediatric Academic Societies meeting, Honolulu, HI, May 3.
Stratbucker W, Serwint JR, Feigelman S, Dhepyasuwan N, Krugman S, Olsson J. You CAN do research within your continuity clinics: A CORNET primer. Workshop at 2007 Pediatric Academic Societies' Meeting, Toronto, Canada, May 8.
Quality Improvement
APA's Quality Improvement Training Modules
- Using QI Methodology to Improve Vaccination Rates at Your Organization
- Measuring Change
- Using the PDSA Cycle and Interpreting Data
- Sustaining Improvement
HPV Vaccination
National Improvement Partnership with the APA (NIPA) Virtual Toolkit
PIs: Cynthia Rand, MD, MPH & Peter Szilagyi, MD, MPH
Collaborator: National Improvement Partnership Network (NIPN)
Objective: To implement a large-scale practice-based quality improvement (QI) program to prioritize HPV vaccination at every adolescent visit.
To learn more about this initiative, please visit the NIPA Virtual Toolkit.
Educational Modules
- An Effective Approach
- Prompts
- Your Confident Recommendation
- Talking with Parents Who Hesitate
- Same Way, Same Day (app)
APA Continuity SIG Project: Videos created by residents for residents to learn new approaches, new communication and innovative messaging about vaccinations
Over the years, CORNET has partnered with other research networks to conduct studies. Check out each partner below and consider working with multiple networks to achieve your research goals.
Greenlight seeks to prevent early childhood obesity by engaging families starting in the first months of a child’s life. Doctors use the Greenlight toolkit during regular check-ups and are trained to incorporate health communication skills, including principles of clear communication, cultural awareness, and shared goal setting.
KEYNET is a collaborative network which fosters research initiatives focused on assessment, evaluation, and enhancement of medical training on the promotion of positive parenting behaviors and strong parent-child relationships within the healthcare setting. The network was started by the Mount Sinai Parenting Center in collaboration with representatives across the United States, after the successful launch of The Keystones of Development curriculum, a 4-hour, online, self-directed curriculum modeling how residents can promote strong parent-child relationships and positive parenting behaviors during routine visits from birth to age 5.
LitNet came together through a research partnership between CORNET and Reach Out and Read (ROR) to conduct the first national survey to describe literacy promotion training and behavior. The network continues to work with researchers across the country to evaluate and improve the delivery of ROR. Reach Out and Read strives to conduct research that shines a light on the positive outcomes they help support and reveals new areas where they stand to benefit young children, their families, and their network.
The National Improvement Partnership Network (NIPN) is the national coordinating center for states' Improvement Partnerships (IP). Together with member IPs, NIPN accelerates pediatric delivery system transformation through the implementation and dissemination of quality improvement knowledge and innovation.
Pediatric Research in Office Settings (PROS), founded in 1986, is the practice-based research network of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP). Its mission is to improve the health of children and enhance primary care practice by conducting and fostering national collaborative practice-based research.
Managing Directors
H. Shonna Yin, MD, MSc
NYU Langone Health
Mona Sharifi, MD, MPH
Yale School of Medicine
Steering Committee
Seth Scholer, MD, MPH
Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Cynthia Rand, MD, MPH
University of Rochester
Heather Burrows, MD
University of Michigan
Teresa Duryea, MD
Baylor College of Medicine
Paul Darden, MD (Advisor)
University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
Susan Feigelman, MD (Advisor)
University of Maryland School of Medicine
Janet Serwint, MD (Founding Director)
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Lisa DeCamp (APA Research Chair)
Children's Hospital Colorado
Regional Research Chairs
Region I: Ada Fenick, MD
Yale School of Medicine
Region II: Allison Gorman, MD
Weill Cornell Medicine
Region III: Lucy Holmes, MD, MPH
John R. Oishei Children’s Hospital/University of Buffalo
Region V: Maheen Quadri, MD
Northwestern Feinberg School of Medicine/Lurie Children's Hospital
Region IX: Christine Mirzaian, MD, MPH, IBCLC
Children's Hospital Los Angeles
Region X: Annika Hofstetter, MD, PhD, MPH
Seattle Children's