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October 30, 2020
2:00 pm - 4:00 pm EDT

This workshop is geared towards novice physician advocates who are interested in translating their professional expertise to achieve a broader impact for child health. Using highly interactive, real-time learning technology, participants will define physician advocacy, discuss the advantages of pediatrician advocacy, and identify myriad ways that physicians are advocates. Next, individuals will rotate through four simultaneous 20-minute hands-on small-groups led by advocacy experts. Each participant will gain the necessary skills to perform future self-directed advocacy work within their home institution and community. Physicians will then participate in an interactive discussion surrounding strategies for institutional and community buy-in and visibility. Facilitators with expertise in advocacy will assist with idea-sharing and brainstorming to identify key stakeholders within the academic institution who can promote and advertise academic work. The audience will further define academic products and outcomes to increase advocacy work visibility. At the conclusion, participants will have action plan items and next steps for advocacy work to further develop at their academic institution or home community.


1) Identify myriad ways in which physicians have incorporated advocacy into their professional work

2) Learn advocacy skills required to communicate to legislators and media, write an op-ed or editorial letter, create a social media strategy, and how individual research can inform child health policy

3) Design an approach to increase the visibility of academic advocacy work


Dr. Lenore Jarvis

Dr. Lee Savio Beers

Dr. Joseph Wright

Dr. Lisa Costello


Mind the Children in Reshaping ER Care – Washington Post 10-1-06

A Death That Was Inevitable – Washington Post 3-8-10

A Healthy Empowerment Initiative – The Washington Post 2-11-15


APA Workshop Breakout Group (Wright)

Social Media Advocacy APA Advocacy 10.30.2020

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APA Advocacy Skill Building Closing