The APA is looking for individuals who are interested in assisting the Board of Directors with achieving the goals of the organization's 2023 - 2028 Strategic Plan. Everyone can engage with the APA; there are numerous leadership opportunities with different time commitments. By becoming a member leader, you can have direct impact on the Association’s work and advance your career.
Getting involved is easy! Complete the interest form, select which opportunities interest you, submit your CV and a short statement of interest. There are many different ways and areas you can engage in and give back to the APA. Below are the positions available and their descriptions.
Deadline to apply is Monday, August 31, 2023.
*Deadline to apply for APEX Positions is Monday, June 19, 2023.
The AAP Section on Hospital Medicine (SOHM) is recruiting 1 At-Large member to serve on the Steering Committee Member.
Advancing Pediatric Educator eXcellence (APEX), an award-winning national faculty development program in clinical teaching, co-sponsored by the Academic Pediatric Association (APA) and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Section on Hospital Medicine is recruiting a new At-Large Steering Committee Member. At PAS, APEX is offered to all pediatricians, including general pediatricians, pediatric subspecialists, and pediatric surgical specialists, who are interested in expanding their skillset as clinical teachers.
The At-Large Member of the Steering Committee serves as three-year term and provides overall direction for the entire APEX Teaching Program. The At Large member also attends monthly meetings, assists in selecting new faculty, and facilitates sessions (as needed).
The At-Large Steering Committee Member position is a great opportunity for pediatric hospitalists with an interest in education. Applicants from diverse and/or underrepresented backgrounds are strongly encouraged to apply.
This volunteer position comes with a small stipend; instructors will be responsible for their own travel and lodging.
Application Requirements
- Please make certain to highlight relevant experience in your CV.
- The personal statement should note 1-2 specific ideas you have to enhance the APEX program.
Interested individuals can review the position description and apply here. The deadline to apply is June 19. New members are expected to start in their role by August 1.
More information on the APEX Teaching Program
Questions? Please reach out to the APEX Teaching Program.
Advancing Pediatric Educator eXcellence (APEX), an award-winning national faculty development program in clinical teaching, co-sponsored by the Academic Pediatric Association (APA) and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Section on Hospital Medicine is recruiting a new Steering Committee Member, APA Liaison. At PAS, APEX is offered to all pediatricians, including general pediatricians, pediatric subspecialists, and pediatric surgical specialists, who are interested in expanding their skillset as clinical teachers.
This volunteer position comes with a small stipend; instructors will be responsible for their own travel and lodging.
Interested individuals can review the position description and apply here. The deadline to apply is June 19. New members are expected to start in their role by August 1.
Fellow and resident representatives will serve as a liaison between academic pediatric fellows and residents and the BORN Steering Committee to increase awareness of the network among academic pediatric fellows and residents and to encourage participation in BORN. These members will also serve as a point of contact for academic pediatric fellows and residents interested in collaborating with BORN on research projects.
Responsibilities include:
- Help advance the mission and vision of BORN
- Attend regular Committee calls
- Attend APA regional conference and/or PAS Fellow Conference
- Be available to help review/discuss peer research projects prior to and during BORN submission process
- Participate in the review of proposals submitted to BORN
- Help in identifying the next BORN Trainee Representatives
- Interact with the Special Interest Groups to encourage engagement
Meeting Requirements: BORN's Steering Committee meets via videoconference monthly and annually in-person at PAS.
The APA's Catalyst Career Development Program is looking for APA members to present webinars on research, education, public policy and advocacy, health care delivery, DEI, and other topics relevant to the APA mission. Presenters should select a topic in which they have experience and expertise. Webinars are scheduled once a month, then archived for future viewing.
APA’s Communications Committee is responsible for setting the communications and social media strategies for the organization. They are looking for new members including fellow and trainee representatives.
Meeting Requirements: The Communications Committee meets quarterly to oversee and brainstorm upcoming APA content including but not limited to emails, app posts, and social media.
The Continuity Research Network (CORNET) is looking for Regional Research Chairs from APA Regions I, II, V, VI, and VII to join the CORNET Executive Committee. The CORNET Executive Committee:
- Reviews of research proposals
- Provides research proposal feedback to study teams
- Determines proposal acceptance
- Actively communicates with site champions in their region, and recruitment of new members to their regions
- Promotes communication within the network
Responsibilities of Regional Research Chairs include:
- Facilitate communication among the CORNET member sites within their regions and direct information to and from the Executive Committee
- Set up a regional email listserv and/or make periodic phone calls to regional training programs
- Communicate at least quarterly with regional sites
- Represent and present updates about CORNET at Regional APA Meetings. Materials can be obtained from the APA Research Staff
- Solicit additional institutions/practices within their region to participate in CORNET
- Help generate research study ideas from regional practices
- Communicate with regional practices about upcoming research studies and recruit interested practice sites
- Assist participating practices whenever possible in the implementation of research studies in a mentoring role and become members of research teams
- Maintain regional lists of programs
- Advise on possible funding opportunities
- Participate in the annual PAS Meeting and bi-monthly conference calls
Term: Regional Research Chairs serve a three-year term.
Meeting Requirements: CORNET’s Executive Committee meets via videoconference every other month and annually in-person at PAS.
The Continuity Research Network (CORNET) is looking for Evaluators of Clinical and Educational Research to join the CORNET Steering Committee. The Steering Committee consists of six voting members: one Network Membership Chair, three Evaluators of Clinical and Educational Research, and the APA Chair of the Research Committee, in addition to Fellow and Resident Representatives.
Responsibilities of Evaluators of Clinical and Educational Research include:
- Overseeing the functioning of the network and research development
- Monitoring possible funding opportunities for potential network research studies
- Advising on research methodology, reviewing research study protocols, offering feedback to principal investigators
- Serving as mentors for principal investigators of network research studies in the early stages of project development
Term: Evaluators of Clinical and Educational Research will serve a five-year term with the option for two additional terms.
Meeting Requirements: CORNET’s Steering Committee meets via videoconference monthly and annually in-person at PAS.
The Continuity Research Network (CORNET) is looking for Trainee Representatives to join the CORNET Steering Committee. Trainee Representatives serve as a liaison between academic pediatric fellows and residents and the CORNET Committees, to increase awareness of CORNET among academic pediatric fellows and residents and to encourage participation in CORNET, and to serve as a point of contact for academic pediatric fellows and residents interested in collaborating with CORNET on research projects.
Responsibilities include:
- Help advance the mission and vision of CORNET
- Attend monthly Committee calls
- Attend APA regional conference and/or PAS Fellow Conference to represent CORNET
- Be available to help review/discuss peer research projects prior to and during CORNET submission process
- Participate in the review of proposals submitted to CORNET
- Help in identifying the next CORNET Trainee Representatives
- Interact with the Special Interest Groups to encourage engagement
Meeting Requirements: CORNET’s Steering Committee meets monthly via videoconference and annually in-person at PAS.
Seeking individuals to assist with reviewing the APA's DEI Pillar Awards.
Members of this judges panel will serve one three year term (with an option to renew for another year). Panel will correspond via email and may schedule as many calls as needed in order to recommend an awardee. The majority of the work will happen in February and March.
Roles and Responsibilities
Individuals are responsible for reviewing and scoring applications and recommending the award winner to the DEI Committee.
The Digital Media Editor should have interest and expertise in using online communication strategies to enhance the reach, engagement, and impact of Academic Pediatrics globally.
- Faculty position (any level)
- Experience and some expertise in web-based and video-based communications
- Experience and expertise in using social media as professional communication strategies
- Interest in the editorial process beyond the specific online-editor tasks
- Experience in writing and reviewing peer-reviewed manuscripts
General Editorial Responsibilities
- Provide general vision, guidance, and critique for the journal
- Share responsibility in diversity and inclusion, and assist in our anti-racism efforts
- Participate in monthly conference calls by editors
- Attend editorial board/editor meeting at PAS
- Conceptualize, solicit and at times author commentaries related to papers published in the journal
Specific Responsibilities and Mentored Experiences
- Update the journal website regularly
- Choose images, write brief copy, select highlighted articles
- Work with journal web developers to enhance and reorganize content as needed
- Act as journal liaison to the APA communications committee
- Disseminate articles of interest and journal updates via social media
- Add video abstracts to website to accompany articles
- Can be created by authors or the online editor
- Solicit, create, edit, and post podcasts of articles- for example:
- Authors reading reflective pieces in their own words
- Interviews with authors regarding their article
- Other topics as online editor sees fit
- Track and report on metrics for online components (downloads, clicks, views, etc.)
Editors may serve as reviewers for other journals but may not serve as an editor for any other medical journals and may not be on editorial boards of other journals if that position involves decision-making for those journals.
The Editorial Board (distinct from the Editors) is an elite group of about 25 individuals that have established eminence in an important field relevant to our journal—typically health services research, policy, education, general pediatrics, or a discipline--- pediatric emergency medicine, pediatric hospital medicine, developmental-behavioral pediatrics, adolescent health, child abuse, complex care, etc. In addition, editorial board members have expertise in a variety of research domains (e.g., database analyses, qualitative work, policy analysis, etc.).
Apply for the Editorial Board of Academic Pediatrics, Fellow Position
In 2021 we created a new editorial board membership- Fellow Members of the Editorial Board. The goal was to offer a meaningful experience to fellows who are interested in the editorial and publishing process. Two fellows have served on the Editorial Board. This is a 2-year position.
The learning objectives are as follows:
- Work with Katherine Poehling MD MPH- the point person editor who will mentor the fellows
- Potentially rotate with editors throughout the two years
- Learn more about the peer-review editor process- from article screening, to mentored reviews, to decision-making on submitted articles
- Work with an editor to handle several submitted manuscripts
- Initial read-through, sending for peer review, processing the peer review feedback, crafting the decision letter, reviewing a revision, making decisions
- Observe how various editors think through the process.
- Obtain feedback on peer reviews of submitted articles (review >4 manuscripts over 2 years)
- Learn about the strategic mission and key workings of the journal by attending monthly Editor calls (this is not a normal function of other Editorial Board Members)
Attend two Editorial Board meetings per year (one at PAS) and provide strategic input to the journal
Seeking individuals to assist with reviewing the APA's Education Pillar Awards.
Members of this judges panel will serve one three year term (with an option to renew for another year). Panel will correspond via email and may schedule as many calls as needed in order to recommend an awardee. The majority of the work will happen in February and March.
Roles and Responsibilities
Individuals are responsible for reviewing and scoring applications and recommending the award winner to the Education Committee.
Job descriptions/meeting requirements:
- Participate in regular conference calls for FLEAT
- Participate in annual Fellows Conference Planning Committee
- Review applications for fellowship accreditation and discuss issues related to training from a fellow’s perspective
- Communicate fellow interests and needs to the FLEAT committee (these are needs of all fellows regardless of accreditation status)
- Identify academic fellow’s needs for career development and liaison with necessary subcommittees
Seeking individuals to assist with reviewing the APA's Health Care Delivery Pillar Awards.
Members of this judges panel will serve one three year term (with an option to renew for another year). Panel will correspond via email and may schedule as many calls as needed in order to recommend an awardee. The majority of the work will happen in February and March.
Roles and Responsibilities
Individuals are responsible for reviewing and scoring applications and recommending the award winner to the Health Care Delivery Committee.
The APA's Health Policy Scholars Program (HPSP) is accepting applications for a pediatric faculty member to serve on the HPSP Executive Committee in the position of "HPSP Curriculum Evaluation Lead." The role of this position is to track and analyze evaluations for the HPSP at the individual Scholar level (bi-annually) and for the program as a whole (quarterly). Most evaluations have already been drafted and implemented; however, we are tracking them over the 3-year program. These evaluations are being used for continuous improvement of the HPSP and will also be used to assess outcomes for the HPSP with potential opportunities for publication. This is an opportunity to serve in a national leadership role for a faculty development program focused on building a scholarly approach to health advocacy and policy. This individual will be working with national leaders in advocacy in the APA.
An ideal candidate should have experience and/or training in medical education. Expertise in educational research and evaluation analysis methods is desirable but not mandatory.
APA's Membership Engagement Sub-committee assists the APA's Membership, Diversity and Inclusion Committee in setting the membership, diversity and inclusion strategies for the organization and engaging the APA members They are looking for new members including fellow and trainee representatives.
Meeting Requirements: The Membership Engagement Committee will meet quarterly to oversee and brainstorm membership engagement strategies including but not limited to annual member survey data, membership structure, etc.
Seeking new members to help create and deliver the APA Medical Education Journal Club. The program offers quarterly webinar-based journal clubs for all interested medical educators to discuss new, innovative, and sometimes controversial articles published in the medical education literature. We are seeking engaged, invested members of all experience levels (including trainees) of the Education Committee to participate in planning this programming.
- Each member will prepare and co-host one webinar a year with a partner from the group
- Senior and junior educators will be paired together.
- Will meet by phone at least semi-annually to plan the overall content and critically review the webinars and process
- Senior and junior educators interested in looking critically at current medical education literature
- Must have strong organizational and planning skills, as well as comfort in speaking on webinars
- Must also be creative and collaborative
- Working with likeminded medical educators
- Involvement in the APA at the national level
- Enhancing the dissemination of medical education scholarship
Please contact Justin Triemstra at
The New Century Scholars Program Co-Director is responsible for overseeing the APA staff carry out the primary functions of the Scholars Program in addition to providing faculty and scholar support.
Roles and Responsibilities:
- Participates in planning calls
- Assists the APA staff with assigning reviewers and guides the review process
- Works with the APA staff to select new scholars
- Selects faculty leaders
- Oversees the assignment of scholars with junior and senior mentors
- Serves as an ambassador of the program
- Assists the APA staff when making key decisions of the program
- Works with the APA staff to submit bi-annual Board reports on the program’s progress
- Assists the Membership, Diversity and Inclusion Chair in identifying additional sponsorship sources and helps foster relationships with potential partners
- Works with APA staff as needed to coordinate relevant PAS activities
- Assists with the orientation and transition to the next Program Director(s)
- 3 years term, two term limit
New Century Scholars Program Junior Mentors are fellows and junior faculty who are interested in mentoring in the program. Junior mentors provide “nuts and bolts” advice to their NCScholar in areas such as choosing and applying to a fellowship, career development, starting and academic career, selecting a research project, negotiating, work/life balance, etc. In our experience, the junior mentorship is an enriching experience if the junior mentor:
- Stays in regular contact with your NCScholar during the year (via email, phone, listservs, etc.).
- Attends the pre-PAS New Century Scholars conference the day before PAS begins (usually the Friday before PAS, beginning at noon).
- Attends the NCScholars dinner banquet that evening.
- Meets with their NCScholar during PAS; for example, meeting for coffee or lunch attending a scientific session with him/her.
- Participates in program evaluation (questionnaires, etc.).
- Is a pediatric generalist or a subspecialist.
New Century Scholars Program Senior Mentors are mid and senior level faculty members of the APA who have a serious commitment to hands-on mentorship, and who are willing to volunteer their time to mentor in this program. Senior mentors provide “big picture” advice to the NCScholar regarding career planning, help in developing specific research and educational scholarship plans, and welcome the NCScholar into the APA and academic pediatric “culture”. In our experience, the senior mentorship is an enriching experience if the senior mentor:
- Stays in regular contact with your NCScholar during the year (via email, phone, listserv, etc.).
- Attends the NCScholar dinner banquet held the evening before PAS begins
- Meet with your NCScholar during PAS; for example, meeting for coffee or lunch, attending a scientific session with him/her.
- Participates in program evaluation (questionnaires, etc.).
- Is a pediatric generalist or a subspecialist.
Seeking individuals to assist with reviewing the APA's Public Policy and Advocacy Pillar Awards.
Members of this judges panel will serve one three year term (with an option to renew for another year). Panel will correspond via email and may schedule as many calls as needed in order to recommend an awardee. The majority of the work will happen in February and March.
Roles and Responsibilities
Individuals are responsible for reviewing and scoring applications and recommending the award winner to the Public Policy and Advocacy Committee.
The QSIS Program Advisors’ role is critical to the success of the program (and the scholar) and requires commitment of a minimum of 25 hours per year. QSIS Program Advisors are encouraged to meet in person with the scholars at PAS to discuss their projects, CVs and their academic/quality portfolio. We encourage QSIS Program Advisors meet with the scholar 3-6 times a year by phone, in addition to the two scheduled group webinars in September and January that are set up to formally discuss project progress.
QSIS Program Advisors and Home Mentors have different roles in QSIS.
- Although these roles often overlap, we make this distinction to minimize the burden on both Home Mentors and QSIS Program Advisors.
- While Home Mentors are focused on helping the scholars with their scholarly projects, the main role of QSIS Program Advisors is guidance through the QSIS program and career counseling. QSIS Program Advisors are expected to supplement, not duplicate, the effort of the scholar’s self-selected primary Home Mentor at his/her home institution.
- Each scholar has an identified Home Mentor outside the QSIS faculty at the home institution, so QSIS Program Advisors are NOT expected to take on the time-consuming role of a primary mentor. They should, however, monitor to make sure that the scholar’s Home Mentor is providing sufficient support, and notify the QSIS Directors if problems are apparent.
- QSIS Program Advisors and their Scholars are assigned to Scholar Groups, usually composed of 3-4 scholars and their 2-3 assigned QSIS Program Advisors. These groups interact throughout the year via phone calls, 2 scheduled webinars with the scholars and Home Mentors, and meet at RoundTable sessions at QSIS@PAS day to discuss the scholars’ projects.
QSIS Program Advisor Responsibilities
Between PAS meetings:
- Communicate every month or two with scholar regarding project progress
- Join the QSIS Program Advisors conference calls, which occurs four times per year, scheduled by the QSIS Directors
- Review the Summaries for RoundTable reports from the entire Scholar Project Group to be prepared to discuss at QSIS@PAS day.
At PAS meetings:
- Meet with assigned scholars face to face at the PAS meeting to discuss CVs, academic/quality portfolios, project, and overall career goals. If unable to attend PAS, give scholar the choice of meeting by phone or at a different conference.
- If you are unable to attend PAS, notify the Program Directors as soon as possible. Notify your scholars and offer the choice of meeting by phone, at a different conference, or with another faculty member to review career goals, CV and academic portfolio.
QSIS Program Advisors are invited to contact the Program Directors if they have questions or concerns to discuss.
The QSIS Program Director is responsible for overseeing the APA staff carry out the primary functions of the Scholars Program in addition to providing subject matter expertise, faculty and scholar support.
Roles and Responsibilities:
- Three-year term
- Participates in QSIS planning calls
- Assists the APA staff with assigning reviewers and guides the review process
- Works with the APA staff to select new scholars
- Provides the scholars with curriculum, assignments and readings related to their project’s development
- Reviews curriculum, assignments and readings related to project’s development on a per cohort basis
- Selects faculty leaders
- Oversees the assignment of scholars
- Serves as an ambassador of the program
- Assists the APA staff when making key decisions of the program
- Works with the APA staff to submit bi-annual Board reports on the program’s progress
- Works with APA staff as needed to coordinate relevant PAS activities
- Assists with the orientation and transition to the next Program Director(s)
- 3 years
Method of Appointment:
- Selected by current program directors and executive committee.
- Reports to the Health Care Delivery Chair
- Expertise of the subject topic of the particular scholars program
- Active engagement within the APA
- Interest in the mission of scholars program
Seeking individuals to assist with reviewing the APA's Research Pillar Awards.
Members of this judges panel will serve one three year term (with an option to renew for another year). Panel will correspond via email and may schedule as many calls as needed in order to recommend an awardee. The majority of the work will happen in February and March.
Roles and Responsibilities
Individuals are responsible for reviewing and scoring applications and recommending the award winner to the Research Committee.
The APA Research Scholars Program (RSP) is a three-year faculty development program designed to help APA members develop their capacity to engage in pediatric research. Associate Directors work with the Directors to vision and implement specific parts of the RSP. The Associate Director role also serves as a pipeline to additional leadership in the RSP, including Co-Director roles.
Associate Directors work with the Course Directors to oversee scholar progress, large group webinars, small group meetings, scholar recruitment and marketing, curriculum implementation, and technology management. Each of these activities is described below.
Scholar Liaison
- All RSP directors are paired with 1-2 scholars with whom they check in 2-3 times per year to ensure the scholar is progressing and provide other career development advice
Large Group Webinars
- Review large group webinar curriculum on an annual basis, evaluate alignment with current RSP goals and objectives
- Invite webinar speakers/instructors to participate, review goals and objectives for session with proposed speakers
- Provide strategic input into new webinar content or modalities
Small Group Meetings
- Review small group curriculum on an annual basis, evaluate alignment with current RSP goals and objectives.
- Recruit experienced small group leaders when needed
- Provide strategic input into new small group-based content or modalities
Scholar Recruitment and Marketing
- Review RSP scholar recruitment strategy and approaches
- Conduct outreach to other career development and training programs inside and outside the APA to share effective strategies for recruitment and align efforts, where appropriate.
- Help create recruitment campaign and materials to include targeted emails, leveraging of stakeholders’ professional networks, professional organizations, social media, and other strategies
Curriculum Implementation and Technology Management
- Annually review RSP Canvas Learning Management System (LMS) contents
- Critically review RSP curriculum and suggest opportunities to improve content, structure, format, and timing
Term: The Associate Director will serve a two-year term.
Meeting Requirements: Monthly RSP leadership meeting, approximately 1-2 hours per month of independent work, selected meetings (likely quarterly) to accomplish team goals, and annually in-person at PAS.
The Co-Chair of Regions & SIGs will work with the current co-chair to oversee all Region and SIG activities, including Chair terms and transitions, reviewing guidelines and suggesting changes where applicable, and reviewing SIG submissions to PAS. Responsibilities also include:
- Communicating with SIG & Region Chairs as needed
- Review budget requests
- Respond to questions regarding finances
- Facilitate development of new and current SIGs
- Monitor SIG attendance reports & review evaluations from PAS SIG Meetings
- Attend & lead SIG & Region Chair Luncheons at PAS
- Reports to the Membership, Diversity and Inclusion Committee Chair
Meeting Requirements:
- Quarterly calls with SIG & Region Chairs and PAS attendance
- Quarterly MDI Executive Committee calls
Seeking new members to join the group that leads the “Update in Medical Education” session at PAS annually. This standing-room-only session, is the product of nine months of work by the Update in Medical Education Committee, and we are recruiting individuals who are diligent, dedicated, and have the time to find the top medical education articles each year. This is a great opportunity to work with other pediatric educators, present at PAS, and submit an article for publication. We are seeking a mix of both junior and senior educators.
The position has a three-year term.
Roles and Responsibilities
- Assist Chair as needed with PAS submission
- Participate fully in abstract/article reviews with bulk of work in December-April of each year
- Prepare one topic (3-4 articles) for presentation at the talk at PAS
- Prepare one topic (3-4 articles) for write-up in a journal submission
- Attend PAS annually to present
The Young Investigator Awards Program provides funding for research by residents, fellows, and junior faculty related to child health promotion, health services research, teaching, or patient care. These awards often serve as a launching pad for talented trainees and young professionals who work under the excellent guidance of mentors at their home institutions. Each awardee works closely with a local mentor at their home institution and should communicate with their National Adviser on a monthly basis over the course of the award year.
Meeting Requirements: Awardees are encouraged to meet with their National Advisers at the annual PAS Meeting and regularly meet over the phone/email/videoconference throughout the award year and potentially beyond.
All current APA members are invited to serve as reviewers for the Young Investigator Awards Program submitted proposals. This program provides funding for research by residents, fellows, and junior faculty related to child health promotion, health services research, teaching, or patient care. These awards often serve as a launching pad for talented trainees and young professionals who work under the excellent guidance of mentors at their home institutions.
Meeting Requirements: The majority of the reviewers’ work will be conducted via email. The more reviewers, the fewer proposals will be requested of each individual to score. There will be two rounds of applications. The first round will require scoring and feedback of initial proposals. The second round will require scoring and feedback of full proposals in addition to a study section via videoconference for each offered funding path to determine award recipients.