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January 25, 2023
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm EST

What Does Critical Race Theory Have to Do with Qualitative Research? Part 2

Please join us for an exciting virtual Journal Club.  We are fortunate to have renowned medical education researcher Dr. Janice Hanson lead this webinar in which she discusses her in-press qualitative study, “Racial/ethnic disparities in clerkship grading: Perspectives of students and teachers,” Academic Medicine, November 2022 RIME Supplement (See attachment). This will be the 2nd of a 2-part series led by Dr. Hanson.

Dr. Hanson is a Professor of Medicine, the Director of Education Scholarship Development and the Co-Director of the Medical Education Research Unit at Washington University School of Medicine.

This interactive journal club will engage participants in discussion of the results of a study of what explains racial/ethnic disparities in assessment during medical school. After a quick overview of the methods and short presentation of the results of a recently published RIME Research Paper, we will discuss the implications of the results of this study, and how a grounded theory approach to qualitative research illuminated the challenges of racial/ethnic disparities in medical education.

Date: Wednesday, January 25th

Time: 12:00PM PT / 1:00 MT / 2:00 CT / 3:00 ET


Hope to see you then!

Your SIG Co-chairs,

Ashwini Lakshmanan

Caroline R. Paul

Linda Tewskbury