April 30, 2021
Dear APA Membership:
We recognize that this year’s PAS will not be the same as in years past. This year’s conference comes at a time when we could all use the energizing feeling that going to PAS brings – the energy from gathering to learn, reconnecting with former colleagues, or making new connections in academic pediatrics. We recognize that practicing wellness in a virtual environment is challenging, therefore, we hope to offer you some tips to try to bring connection and joy to this experience.
Regardless of your location and fatigue from this past year, we hope that you find joy and energy in the extraordinary program of PAS. Enjoy the meeting. We cannot wait to see you in Denver in 2022.
Be Well,
APA COVID Well-being Task Force
Josette Bianchi-Hayes
Sam Bora
Paul Chung
Annamaria Church
David Cooperberg
Megan Furnari
Kajal Khanna, Co-Chair
Marie A. Leiner
Daniel Neuspiel
Mona Patel
Heidi Roman, Co-Chair
Elaine Schulte
Ariella Slovan
William Stratbucker