Hi, everyone!
The last week has seen a lot of change on the ground. On one hand, the federal government has extended its social distancing recommendations, and trajectories of hospitalizations and deaths appear as serious as previously predicted, especially on the mid-Atlantic coast and pockets of the South and Midwest. On the other hand, there is some early evidence of curve flattening in some of the areas hit earliest, likely a sign of the potential public health effectiveness of social distancing. Wherever you are, we hope you all are staying healthy and doing all that’s needed for yourselves, your family, your institutions, and your communities.
Various APA committees are working on plans to develop and implement COVID-related academic pediatric resources for our members. Please be on the lookout for messages from APA committee chairs and other leaders regarding opportunities to help, be helped, teach, and learn. In particular, we are calling on Regions and SIGs to leverage the more intimate relationships in your groups to develop collective supportive action. We’re eager to explore how we can all help make each other’s lives a little better and a little easier during this time.
With respect to the PAS aftermath, we are still brainstorming ways to give our members, especially our junior members, opportunities to disseminate their work.
As a first step, we’re pleased to announce that the Fellows Meeting Planning Committee will begin hosting hour-long webinars, each featuring 4 trainee (resident or fellow) presentations. A moderator will host the presentations and each presenter will have 10 minutes to present, followed by 5 minutes of Q&A with the other participants. If you are a trainee that was supposed to present at PAS (poster or platform) please contact Laurat@academicpeds.org to sign up to present during one of these webinars, which can become a part of your academic CV as invited presentations. Webinars will be scheduled to accommodate the interest.
We’ll regularly update you with more news as it develops! Please continue the amazing work you’re all doing, and thank you on behalf of the APA!
All the best,