Current SIG Chair:
Christopher Stille, MD, MPH
Shonna Yin, MD
Samudragupta Bora, PhD
The Pediatric Clinical Research Network SIG holds a highly productive and informative SIG meeting each year at the Pediatric Academic Societies (PAS) meeting.
Annual Summary
The pediatric clinical research networks (PCRN) SIG met in Baltimore at PAS on Sunday, April 28th, 2018 from 12:00 -3:00. Approximately 25 individuals representing a diverse group of pediatric clinical research networks and areas of interest attended the three-hour session. After introductions, the SIG conducted two new pediatric clinical research network consultations. The first was:
- Dr. Neal Halfon of UCLA presented Life Course Intervention Research Network (LCI-RN). This goal of this recently funded HRSA/MCHB network is to identify better ways of improving life course trajectories for children and families, with an emphasis on reducing health disparities among diverse and vulnerable populations.
- In addition, Dr. Doug Opel of the University of Washington presented the Seattle Children's University Research Network (SCURN). This developing, regional, primary care network sought input on ways to develop its mission statement, research agenda, best ways to leverage funding, and best practices for clinical research networks. Lively discussions followed both presentations, as presenters received insights and advice from the group directed at helping their networks flourish. Rinad Beidas, Ph.D., of the University of Pennsylvania, presented, “Using implementation science to maximize impact.” She gave a highly innovative overview of this growing area of research and described how the collaborative nature of practice-based research networks make them an excellent venue for conducting this type of work and getting desired outcomes and evidence-based practice to populations of pediatric patients and their families.
A key group working with research networks is HRSA MCHB. They fund networks whose interests overlap with ours and representatives of the HRSA networks often participate in this SIG. Another group is the North American Primary Care Research Group (NAPCRG) which holds an annual conference for primary care research networks. In addition, co-chairs, Drs Fiks and Ruddy often perform “informal consultations” for groups within and outside of APA. Dr. Fiks works directly with the AAP’s PROS and CHOP’s PeRC networks and Dr. Ruddy with PECARN.