Joseph Augustus Jackson Jr., MD
Dr. Joseph A. Jackson, Jr. is Associate Dean and Director of the Office of Student Affairs and Associate Professor in the Division of General Pediatrics and Adolescent Health at Duke School of Medicine. He was raised in Pennsylvania and received his Bachelor of Science in Chemistry and Medical Degree from the University of Virginia, Charlottesville VA. He completed his Pediatric training at Duke University and started his faculty appointment at Duke in 2007. Dr. Jackson is an exceptional education leader working with learners across the Health Professions Programs at Duke. He brings a track record of excellence focused on innovative longitudinal learning curricula. He served as founding Associate Director for the Primary Care Leadership Track program helping to establish Duke’s first Longitudinal Integrated Clerkship for students interested in Primary Care. Dr. Jackson’s scholarly interests are focused on Professional Identity Formation across the health professions training continuum. He is actively engaged in research related to Belonging, Shame and Identity Formation among learners aspiring to and traversing the health professions. He is a strong advocate for his patients and serves as mentor and advisor for learners and colleagues. Described in the Herald Sun Newspaper as a “Father of Five (now six) and Pediatrician of Many,” Dr. Jackson’s greatest passions are stirred as he interacts with his family, his patients, his learners, and colleagues.