How to Apply
Individuals may nominate themselves or a colleague. To be considered or nominate a colleague for this award, an individual or nominator must:
- Be a current member of the Academic Pediatric Association.
- Fill out the common application.
- Submit a copy of the abstract that was submitted to the upcoming PAS Meeting in the topic area of "Medical Education."
- Submit a copy of the acceptance notification provided by PAS.
This award was established for Ray E. Helfer who was an esteemed pediatric educator, child advocate and past-president of the APA. It is granted to the best medical education abstract(s) accepted to the Pediatric Academic Societies (PAS) Meeting in the topic area of “Medical Education.”
An APA committee selects the winning candidate(s), and the award(s) is presented at the PAS Meeting session (Platform or Poster) in which the abstract presentation is scheduled.
The first or last author must be a current member of the APA to be considered for this award.
Nominees must have an accepted abstract and plan to attend the upcoming PAS meeting.
Award Winners
- Elisa Phillips, MD, The Impact of Mistreatment from Patients and Families on Pediatric Resident Professional Identity Formation: A Mixed Methods Exploratory Study
- Trainee: DeMarco Bowen, MD, MPH
- Faculty: Lahia Yemane, MD
- Kimiko Dunbar, MD Better Together: A Novel Online Physician Group-Coaching Program to Reduce Burnout in Trainees: A Randomized Controlled Trial.
- Lahia Yemane, MD Do I Belong Here? Exploring UIM Trainees’ Sense of Belonging in Academic Medicine after Participation in the LEAD Program
- Abigail Schuh, MD, MMHPE The impact of a multi-modal residency curriculum to provide residents with data on their practice habits
- Michael Kim, DO, Trainee
- Haneme Idrizi, MD, Faculty
- Constance Gundacker, MD Medical College of Wisconsin
- Francis Real, MD Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
- Rebecca Blankenburg, MD, MPH Shared Decision Making: A Multi-Site Educational Bundle Improves Patient Engagement and Communication During Inpatient Rounds
- Colin Sox, MD Comparing the Impact of an Online Module to Faculty Feedback Sessions on Students' Oral Presentations: A Multi-Center Randomized Controlled Trial
- Tai Lockspeiser, MD In Pursuit of Meaningful Use of Learning Goals in Pediatric Residency: What Can a Program Do?
- Michael V. Ortiz, M.D., Sarah Birch, DNP, APRN, CPNP-PNP, Joyce Campbell, BSN, MS, CIC, Mary Ottolini, MD, Dewesh Agrawal, MD, Nelson Lee, BS
- Rebecca Blankenburg, MD, MPH National Pediatric Nighttime Curriculum Field Test: Assessment of Curriculum Feasibility and Effect on Residents' Attitudes, Confidence, and Knowledge
- Amy Starmer, MD Impact of a Resident Handoff Bundle on Medical Error Rates and Written Handoff Miscommunications
- Michael Weisgerber, Ph.D. The SOS-REACH (Suspected Observable Senior Resident Empowerment Action Checklist), a Novel Instrument for Evaluating Senior Resident Empowerment during Family-Centered-Rounds
- Tao Xu, Ph.D. Impact of nationwide Training Program for Neonatal Resuscitation in the People's Republic of China
- Dorene Balmer, Ph.D. Impact Versus Explicit Curricula in General Pediatrics: Is There a Convergence?
- Jennifer Arnold, MD Effect of High Fidelity Simulation Curriculum on Pediatric Resident Competency in Neonatal Airway Management Skills
- Michael G. Gaies Teaching Procedural Skills to Pediatric Residents: A Randomized Interventional Trial
- Elwyn Chomba Effects of the World Health Organization Essential Newborn Care Training Course on Early Neonatal Mortality by the level of Maternal Education
- Mark Adler, MD Development and validation of high fidelity patient simulator case scenarios for pediatric resident evaluation
- Impact of Duty Hour Restrictions on General Pediatrics Faculty Teaching
- Karen J. Marcdante, MD, Charlene Gabler-Uhing, MD, Dawn Bragg, Ph.D., and Deborah E. Simpson, Ph.D.,
- Departments of Pediatrics and Educational Services, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
- Impact of an Innovative CD-ROM Designed to Improve Ambulatory Teaching
- Philip O. Ozuah, MD, Ph.D., Mary Ottolini, MD, MPH and Larrie Greenberg, MD
- Children's Hospital at Montefiore/ Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, NY, Children's National Medical Center, Washington, DC
- Asthma Severity Classification: Using Standardized Patients to Measure Residents' Competency
- Philip O. Ozuah, Sandra Braganza and Iman Sharif
- Albert Einstein College of Medicine
- Measuring Medical Knowledge Competencies Using Web-Enhanced Instruction During a Pediatric Resident Ambulatory Block Month
- Carl Erwin Johnson and Larry Hurtubise
- Columbus Children's Hospital
- Evaluating Evidence-Based Decision-Making Skills: Development and Validation of an Instrument
- Alan Schwartz
- The University of Illinois at Chicago
- Evaluation of 'Breastfeeding Basics' an Educational Course on the World Wide Web Mary E. O'Connor
- Case Western Reserve University, Rainbow Babies and Children's Hospital Cleveland, OH
- Can a Primary Care Based Asthma Intervention Affect Service Use, Home Management and Morbidity for Inner-City Children?
- Karen Warman, E.J. Silver, Nora Esteban-Cruciani, M.P. McCourt, Laurie J. Bauman, and Ruth E.K. Stein
- Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, NY
- Does a Health Maintenance Curriculum for Pediatric Residents Improve Performance?
- Joseph Lopreiato and D. Michael Foulds
- University of Texas Health Science Center of San Antonio
- The Development and Evaluation of a CD-ROM Computer Program to Teach Residents Telephone Management
- Mary C. Ottolini and Larrie Greenberg
- Children's National Medical Center Washington, DC
- Counseling Parents of a Child Dead on Arrival (DOA): The Effective Use of Standardized Patients (SPs)
- Larrie Greenberg, Dan Ochsenschlager, Regina O'Donnell, Jennifer Mastruseri and George Cohen
- Department of Pediatrics, Children's National Medical Center, George Washington University School of Medicine
- Evaluation of Clinical Competence: The Gap Between Expectation and Performance
- Bahman Joorabchi and Jeffrey Devries Department of Pediatrics, Henry Ford Health System and St. Joseph Mercy Hospital, Detroit and Pontiac, Michigan