Pediatric educators across the country are responding to the current COVID-19 pandemic with rapid innovation and implementation of educational approaches to meet the needs of their medical students, residents, fellows, and faculty. As a leading journal of pediatric medical education research, we’d like to announce a special call for brief descriptions of Novel Educational Approaches in Response to COVID-19. We are interested in submissions that highlight innovative approaches to adapt education in UME, GME, and CME during the current pandemic. All submissions should report some outcome to demonstrate success.
Submissions have a maximum of 500 words, a maximum of 3 references and no tables/figures. Please format the submission with the following headings: Problem, Approach, Outcomes to Date, Next Steps/Planned Curricular Adaptations.
Submissions should be uploaded using the Academic Pediatrics Submission Site using the Commentary Category. Indicate in your cover letter that the submission is for the “Novel Educational Approaches in Response to COVID-19” series. Deadline for submissions is Friday, May 1st at midnight EST. Submissions will be judged on their innovation, generalizability, and implications beyond the pandemic.
Please share with those at your institutions involved with medical student, resident, fellow, or faculty education.
Questions about these submissions can be directed to Mike Pitt at