Current SIG Co-Chairs:
Current SIG Mentor:
Daniel Neuspiel, MD, MPH
The purpose and mission of the Evidence-Based Pediatrics SIG is to support APA members who seek to advance the use of evidence-based medicine in improving clinical care, research efforts, educational programming, health care delivery, and health care policy for children.
Current SIG Goals
- Improve collaboration and communication of best practices among our members to encourage the widespread practice of EBM among all practitioners of Pediatrics
- Continue to support our members in their efforts to promote EBM in their own institutions
- Explore collaborations with SIGs that share similar interests for PAS
Annual Summary
The Evidence Based Pediatrics SIG received a grant to disseminate EBM teaching modules using HPV vaccine literature with a dual aim to improve trainee knowledge of EBM methodology and HPV vaccine knowledge. Our SIG collaborated with the Quality Improvement SIG to put on a program about guideline development and implementation. The program focused on the overlap between QI and EBM. We had around 55 attendees with good representation from both SIGs. The presenters were on point and the presentations generated lively, interactive discussion.