Faculty Coach Eligibility Criteria:
Mid-career or senior faculty who are current APA members
- Experience/expertise in faculty development/teaching
- Experience/expertise in coaching/mentoring faculty colleagues
- Commitment to engage in professional development sessions for coaches
- Commitment to attend full-day programming at PAS in Year 1 and 2 including the work in progress poster/networking session
- Commitment to teaching sessions in the curriculum (face-to-face programming at the PAS meeting and/or intersession webinars)
- Commitment to participate in group coaching sessions at PAS in Year 1 and 2
- Commitment to participate in individual coaching sessions with 2 program participants throughout the duration of the program
- Commitment to participate at the end of the program virtual session during which participants’ will present their projects
Interested faculty must submit:
- A current curriculum vitae
- A list of current/past engagement (including leadership roles) in the APA
- A short statement (100-word maximum) describing why they are interested in this role and how it will contribute to their own professional development
- A short statement (100 words maximum) that describes their experience teaching topics related to leadership (include information about learner type(s), format and topics taught).
- A short statement (100 words maximum) that describes their teaching philosophy highlighting how they have applied it in teaching peers/faculty development.
- A short statement (100 words maximum) that describes their approach to coaching and/or mentoring and at least one specific example of how they have helped someone they have coached/mentored to address challenges and meet goals.
The term for faculty coaches is 2 years, i.e. January 2020-December 2021, and can be renewed for a 2nd term.
Deadline to submit materials is September 30, 2019.
Faculty FAQs
1. Who selects the faculty and how many faculty will be selected?
A selection committee comprised of members of the Task Forces who helped to design the program and/or Board members will select faculty.
2. What are the expectations for faculty members?
Faculty are expected to teach in the face to face and/or intersession, online learning experiences for the participants and to engage in professional development to prepare them to use a coaching approach in their work with program participants and to serve as coaches for participants throughout their term in the program.
3. How many participants will I work with as a coach?
Each faculty member will be assigned to work with/coach 2 participants throughout the program?
4. Do I need to attend the APL sessions at PAS?
Faculty are expected to attend the full day of programming (face to face sessions) that shoulder the PAS meeting in 2020 and 2021 (including the group coaching meetings at these sessions) and hold five individual coaching sessions with each of their assigned participants. Faculty are also expected to attend the webinar in December 2021 during which the participants will present their leadership project.
5. How long is the commitment if I am selected to be a faculty member?
Faculty will be expected to serve in the role of faculty coach for 2 years (January 2020-December 2021).
6. Do you have to be an APA member to be a faculty coach in APL?