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November 13, 2020
12:00 pm - 1:30 pm EST


Soon after successfully becoming an academic faculty member, additional responsibilities or requests often arise for underrepresented in medicine (URiM) faculty. These additional requests or responsibilities include serving as a diversity representative or leader in their academic setting and the communities in which they live and work. This can lead to dilemmas and conflicts that extend throughout one’s academic career. Those who navigate these dilemmas successfully can realize the goals and aspirations that brought them to academic medicine. Those who do not successfully navigate these dilemmas can have difficulty with career satisfaction, time management, promotion, and guilt. This interactive workshop is focused on development of skills to navigate this complexity successfully. Four senior faculty leaders who have mentored collectively hundreds of junior and mid­ career URiM faculty with these dilemmas will lead the participants through small group interactions and scenarios to share skills and present possible solutions to best navigate how to: 1) address requests to fill institutional and community diversity roles, 2) navigate being a rare community resource, and 3) when and how to say yes or no to an opportunity.


  1. Build skills on how to negotiate for resources in any position
  2. Discuss how to effectively navigate requests to fill institutional diversity roles
  3. Build skills on successfully navigating community responsibilities
  4. Practice skills and critical thinking on when to say yes or no when offered an “opportunity”


Dr. Tamera Coyne-Beasley

Dr. Gary Freed

Dr. Leslie Harding-Walker @AskTeendoc

Dr. Jason Deen


Dr. Joseph Wright


Navigating Success in Academic Medicine Slides

Navigating Success in Academic Medicine Freed Slides


Navigating Success in Academic Medicine