The Digital Media Editor should have interest and expertise in using online communication strategies to enhance the reach, engagement, and impact of Academic Pediatrics globally.
- Faculty position (any level)
- Experience and some expertise in web-based and video-based communications
- Experience and expertise in using social media as professional communication strategies
- Interest in the editorial process beyond the specific online-editor tasks
- Experience in writing and reviewing peer-reviewed manuscripts
General Editorial Responsibilities
- Provide general vision, guidance, and critique for the journal
- Share responsibility in diversity and inclusion, and assist in our anti-racism efforts
- Participate in monthly conference calls by editors
- Attend editorial board/editor meeting at PAS
- Conceptualize, solicit and at times author commentaries related to papers published in the journal
Specific Responsibilities and Mentored Experiences
- Update the journal website regularly
- Choose images, write brief copy, select highlighted articles
- Work with journal web developers to enhance and reorganize content as needed
- Act as journal liaison to the APA communications committee
- Disseminate articles of interest and journal updates via social media
- Add video abstracts to website to accompany articles
- Can be created by authors or the online editor
- Solicit, create, edit, and post podcasts of articles- for example:
- Authors reading reflective pieces in their own words
- Interviews with authors regarding their article
- Other topics as online editor sees fit
- Track and report on metrics for online components (downloads, clicks, views, etc.)
Editors may serve as reviewers for other journals but may not serve as an editor for any other medical journals and may not be on editorial boards of other journals if that position involves decision-making for those journals.
Applicants should submit a CV and letter of interest that highlights his/her experience and expertise in the above areas. Please submit inquiries and applications to Peter Szilagyi, Editor-in-chief (
Deadline for applications: May 1, 2023
We strongly encourage applications by individuals who are underrepresented in pediatrics.