APA & PAS 2020: What’s Next?
PAS’ cancellation has left us all feeling some degree of lost. How will I connect with my SIG and region colleagues, mentees and/or mentors? Where will I get feedback on my research? What’s next for the APA?
Rest assured the APA has a plan to keep you connected and to help you generate scholarly work. Check out the schedule of events and answers to frequently asked questions below. Additional questions can be directed to info@academicpeds.org.
Will PAS 2020 be postponed or rescheduled?
Given the large scale of the meeting and event logistics, it will not be possible to postpone or reschedule PAS 2020.
Will any scientific content by made available?
Yes, PAS will publish an Online Program Guide. Check www.pas-meeting.org for the publication.
Can I submit my accepted abstract to another conference?
Yes, authors are free to submit their accepted abstracts for presentation at another meeting.
May I list my accepted presentation on my CV?
Absolutely! You can site the Online Program Guide:
Authors. Presentation title. Workshop/Poster/Oral Platform/ Scientific Session. Pediatric Academic Societies Meeting, Philadelphia, PA. May 1-5, 2020. Due to COVID-19 related conference cancellation, this peer-reviewed abstract and/or presentation was disseminated on 4/TBD/2020 to PAS 2020 Meeting Program Guide.
I was looking forward to presenting and getting feedback on my research at PAS. Will I get another opportunity to present?
APA’s committees are hosting Zoom webinars to accommodate all trainees who want to present and get feedback on their research. Each webinar will be 60 minutes long and feature four presentations with Q&A. We will schedule as many webinars as needed to accommodate everyone who wants to present. Register to present here.
In addition, APA’s Social Media Committee would like to invite you to publish your PAS accepted abstract on APA’s Connect App! All you have to do is (1) download the app, (2) fill out the application and (3) attach your PAS accepted abstract in an alternative media form (i.e. video, photo, PowerPoint slide, MP4 file/sound clip, etc.). Upon review, it’ll be posted and your APA colleagues will be able to share, watch, view and/or comment. The Social Media Committee will publish an abstract a day. Any app user can provide feedback in the Comments section of posts.
How can I help?
- Sign up to be a Trainee presentation moderator
- Sign up to attend Trainee presentations and provide feedback when registration opens *Coming Soon*
- Review Trainee abstracts published in the app and provide feedback *Coming Soon*
- Donate to APA
Will the APA host SIGs and workshops virtually?
SIGs may convene using APA’s virtual technology platforms. Please contact your SIG’s leadership for confirmation if they plan to host their meeting. Please note that due to an unequal distribution of COVID-19 responsibilities that not all SIGs will reschedule and those that reschedule may reschedule this Summer or Fall.
PAS Workshops
APA is working with the PAS to provide an avenue and platform to host accepted workshops. Please stay tuned!
Will the APA host its scholars programs prior to PAS?
Program leadership has carefully considered converting their programs to a virtual platform. If you haven’t heard from your program’s leadership about the next steps for your faculty development program, please reach out to them directly.
Will the APA host its QI Conference prior to PAS?
The QI Conference will not be hosted virtually, however, trainee authors of accepted abstracts to the conference are encouraged to register to present their work virtually, via the trainee webinars and/or submit an application to have their abstracts published via the APA Connect App.
How can I connect with my mentor or fellow colleagues outside of PAS?
All APA members are encouraged to directly message their colleagues on APA’s Online Community and/or in the APA Connect App. Members can also send messages their SIG and Regions as well.
What other programming will APA offer related to COVID-19?
APA’s Committees are working hard for you to provide relevant programming during this time of uncertainty. This will include forums with other members, research mentoring programs and seminars, trainee presentations, policy conversations and more.
Check out APA’s calendar of events for a full schedule of COVID-19 related programming. This will include the trainee presentation webinars and will be provided through Fall 2020. An assessment will be done in the Fall and another communication to address needs will be sent around at this time.
My regional meeting was cancelled. What’s next?
The Region 1 and 6 meetings were cancelled. Region 1 is not planning on rescheduling for this year but Region 6 is planning on rescheduling for the Fall. Contact your Region leadership through the APA Community by logging in, navigating to your Communities, and clicking on your Region to get in touch with them.
Will the 2021 PAS Call for Content come out at the usual time?
As of right now, the PAS Call for Content is scheduled to come out at the usual time.
What if I have another question?
We apologize if your question was not previously addressed, please email info@academicpeds.org and we will promptly answer any other questions you have.